Tazmarine's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

GENERAL: -I retain rights to the use artwork.

-I may use the design as examples in portfolios.

-I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, including but not limited to: suspicious accounts, newly made accounts, porn accounts, etc.

-Purchased characters are yours to role play, write, imagine, and draw and commission. NSFW and Fetish art of designs you bought are fine.

-Please don't change the trade permissions. It is annoying to change the permissions back to normal.

- I often make designs that have some (NOT ALL) traits similar to closed species, but aren’t the closed species. I do this to 1) spite the creators. And 2) design stuff regardless of what furries trademarked as “theirs.” DO NOT LABEL OR PASS THEM ON AS CLOSED SPECIES. If you don’t like that I make designs with traits similar to closed species then block me.

BUYING: All sales are final.

no refunds

TRADE: Trading is allowed for designs in pretty much all scenarios! Please make sure my username gets to the hands of the new owner if not mentioned on the file. GIFTS:

You may not resell gifts unless new art is added to profile. Trading terms are between the gifter and giftee, and the politics of this is to be kept between those 2 people, I do not want to be involved. RECOLORING/EDITING: You can recolor or redesign my designs you bought.

You can NOT turn my designs into closed species. Closed species go against my values and I find it very disrespectful to use something I designed as a blue print to profit off of. (I have no PayPal so you can’t give me a cut of the profits even if I wanted it.)

REPOSTING: Reposting a design you own is fine as long as you link my Instagram @Tatertotvenom or my Toyhouse.

CO-OWNING: Co-Owning designs is fine. However the politics of that is to be kept between the co-owners and I don't want to be involved outside the initial agreement of who is purchasing the design.

COMMERCIAL USAGE: - you bought it so for all I care you can do what you want with it.

I have the right to edit or change these rules at any time and call out people for shady behavior even if it is not in this ToS BLACKLIST

KarlHeisenberg Global Rules


-I retain rights to the artwork and intellectual property.

-I may use the design as examples in refs or in a portfolio.

-I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, including but not limited to: suspicious accounts with no ties to the art/adopt community, newly made accounts, porn accounts, etc.

-Purchased characters are yours to roleplay, write, imagine, and draw and commission.

-Please don't change the trade permissions. It is annoying to change the permissions back to normal.

- Please do not remove TaterTotVenom tag on my designs


All sales are final.

no refunds


Trading is allowed for designs in pretty much all scenarios! Please make sure my username gets to the hands of the new owner if not mentioned on the file.


You may not resell gifts unless new art is added to profile. Trading terms are between the gifter and giftee, and the politics of this is to be kept between those 2 people, I do not want to be involved!


You can recolor or redesign my designs you bought, but please include the original design + credit to me somewhere on the character’s page. You may not sell the un-edited design as a separate character.

You can NOT turn my designs into closed species. Closed species go against my values and I find it very disrespectful to use something I designed as a blue print to profit off of. (I have no PayPal so you can’t give me a cut of the profits even if I wanted it.)


Reposting a design you own is fine as long as you link my Instagram @Tatertotvenom or my Toyhouse - just typing it out doesn't cut it, it has to be linked!
do not repost designs that you do not own!


Co-Owning designs is allowed. However the politics of that is to be kept between the co-owners and I don't want to be involved outside the initial agreement of who is purchasing the design.

If trading/reselling/etc a co-owned design, all owners must agree to the trade. You cannot trade "your part”! I've had too many issues with people not letting others know the design is co-owned before trading, and its generally just messy.


-All copyright agreements are negotiable.

- You can NOT use my designs in Studios and mass production.

-Designs purchased may NOT be used for profits (merchandise, charms, turning them into closed species, published novels, games, etc).