


3 years, 1 month ago


  • Meikyu

  • age Unknown (Original Creation at 13.8 billion years previous estimated.)
  • gender Genderfluid Genderfluid.png
  • race (Necromancy Book) Death Kitsune
  • role Main Character (In C:A)
  • theme

Exciteable • curious • rational


Meikuu came from a world of magic, but she was not a creature, no, she was a sentient magical item.

She was an ancient story, passed down from great villain to great villain. A book shrouded in secret with no title. She was hobbled together from the body parts of dead gods of unknown nature, and produced into an item which could see the far future of all things death related in one constant, eternal spiral that anyone beyond those who had the true mental fortitude to handle it, or were perhaps mad enough to, could gaze into and learn the dark secrets of what eternity and undeath, the secrets of necrosis and the void of negative energy truly was.

To be expected, almost literally everyone died. They kept trying though. And this irritated Meikyu herself, known once upon a time as The Voice in the Luóxuán. They are acquainted with all the horrors and mind emptying truths their pages contain, and are- kind of bored with it actually. It's caused nothing but harm to everyone, including themselves, as they miss many of their prior masters who died by becoming obsessed with her spiral of information. So, with her better judgement in tact a sacrifice was made to remove herself from this mundane life. This 'book' has been personified for the competition of Campaign:A and with new limbs to do with what she wants and new experiences to have, she gets to experience the ultimate mystery to herself while others are clamoring to win the divine competition to go back home, this wild card really doesn't care to.

If this is the 'better place' people go when they die that her favorite master used to drone on about, she hopes to experience everything it can offer!

 "It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive. If you are willing to die for it." 

height 4'11

build Slim

pronouns She/He/They


dob Unknown

sign Aries

origin Greater Ammeriam (Premura)

occupation Competitor

mbti ENFP-A

demeanor Insightful, Exciteable

tarot Death

element Necrotic

Current Master Riqueza

value N/A


  • Books, Reading
  • Singing, Dancing
  • Learning, Listening
  • New Experiences, Exploring
  • Touching (Pets, Hugs, Etc)
  • Necromancy


  • Sleeping Alone, Silence, Solitary
  • Goats
  • The Dark
  • Book Lice, Cockroaches, Silverfish, Termites



Meikyu has quote 'no idea' who created her. She was created from the body parts of dead gods, she knows that much. She has traveled across several dimensions against her will (mostly from her old masters transporting themselves.) 'The Voice in the Luóxuán' as she was known, or Luo, gained her sentience in modern day, placing her more apt 'mental aware' age at somewhere around 3,400. Of course, she was not awake all that time, she was aware for snippets, and periods of time where she was controlled by a master, so even more accurately, somewhere around the matuirty of a 26 years old. 

Meikyu has tried for a long time to ponder her existence. A book like her which can peer into the endless oblivion and come back alive has to have some amount of 'mental padding' so to speak, to just survive casually existing, embodying this spiral as a mental consciousness. She is as much the spiral, as she is the gatekeeper to it. 

She however, finds her 'horrifying truths', boring. Of course, they are shocking, and absolutely just above everything else but! Why bother looking into any of that stuff when you could just instead... enjoy life? She has actively been trying to convince her masters away from believing in the 'song' of her spiral for countless amounts of masters. Its a waste of breath every time. Everyone always succumbs to the spiral in time. She supposes its inevitable, but that doesn't make it incredibly depressing.

Life & Death


The Competition

Meikyu loves this little competition. But not in a 'I want to compete, win the wish, and go home/change the world!' alot more in a: 'Wow I'm finally not a book anymore, I have legs and arms, eyes, I can feel things-- now I can GO WHERE I WANT!' 



[ Master!!!/Crush ] Meikyu thinks Riqueza is big and scary, and very fun to annoy. Not only that, but he also never wears a shirt. Like, what else could you ask for? Meikyu doesn't think much else. Plus Meikyu gets romantically attached to whomever her master is, and, unwillingly or not knowing what that fully entails, Riqueza is it. Meikyu thinks Riqueza's ears are very cute, and she would like to make him earrings as a gift, but they don't say it because they don't know if that is socially acceptable to do. 'Plus he probably wouldn't want any garbage I could make pffh I'm the expensive magical item not whatever I make!'



[ Friend/Dad Vibes ] Sargon is big and scary, super tough! He seems to be very distant though, and that kind of makes them a bit sad. Though they know like most every other living creature, they just have to personally brute force themselves into his heart. Sargon protects her from Riqueza and Ezra whenever they get to be a little too much for either of them, so they really appreciate him being a literal mobile shelter to the point where she has this strange feeling of looking up to him because of the power it feels like Sargon exudes.




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