


3 years, 7 months ago


  • Sargon

  • age Unknown
  • gender Male
  • race Divine (Godling)
  • role Main Character (In C:A)
  • theme

hardworking • Disciplined • Farsighted • Apathetic • Realistic


[Warning Spoilers]

Sargon had pursued greatness among his siblings, working arduously to earn a position atop the mountain as the pantheon lead. He was stationed on overseeing the main planet as an exterminator of sorts, terminating failed experiments in super volcanic collapses, mass extinctions, sun implosions, as well as undertaking solo missions down on the surface of this planet to dispatch of problematic elements personally. Excelling at his work, Sargon received high honors for his brutality and efficiency and was soon promoted to lead his siblings.

However something changed when he became tasked to eliminate the final resource his sister had ever created. His siblings had learned to fear him but when he discovered 'mortals' and their subsequent request from his mother to eradicate them, he instead fell in love with the concept of them. He rebelled against his mother; Prime, and led his siblings into a revolution that only ended with him betraying his mother by locking her away of a vault deep within the earth. This was her punishment for attempting to terminate the experiment since Sargon refused to do his job anymore.

He spent years atoning for the destruction he brought unto the planet, by traveling alone, self flagellation, branding himself, and various other religious iconography with punishment through pain. Worship of him was almost universally banned by the mortals who feared him as a demon of sorts in their religion. Though this only got better with time, as the memory of the gruesome past of Sargon was forgotten to seemingly everyone but him. 

Sargon eventually managed to establish a sizeable worship base, who still feared him, but worshipped him as a god of heat, passion, and commerce. Unlike his siblings who had thousands of clerics and paladins, Sargon only had as many clerics and paladins as he took in lovers. He averaged out at any one point in time at having roughly 50. These Clerics and Paladins were also reasonably feared, as Fire is a highly destructive element to this very day.

In later years, before his death, Sargon had been having deep moral conflictions over his stance and where he was in his position, and his feelings grappled over one another towards greater humanity as a whole.

 "It is not light you need, but fire. It is not the gentle shower, but thunder. You need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. For only the finest steel has gone through the hottest fire." 


build Muscular

pronouns He/Him

s.o.Polyamorous Pansexual

dob Unknown

sign Leo

origin Avarashah

occupation Competitor

mbti ESFJ-A

demeanor Prideful, Headstrong

tarot Hermit / Tower

element Fire

# Of companions 54 (Exterior C:A) 
0 (Interior C:A)

value$85 (Adopt Cost)


  • Sun, Warmth, Fire, Magma/Lava, Volcanos (Suppressed Pyromania)
  • Pain, Overcoming impossible odds.
  • Storytelling
  • Cooking
  • Incense
  • Falconry
  • Massages, Nudity.


  • Feeling Cold (He will feel cold in anything under a 70F degree room.)
  • Space, Void, Vast empty spaces
  • Creaures appearing to be tainted by the 'void'. This includes his reflection.
  • Weakness




Life & Death


The Competition




[ Guardianship ] Sargon internalizes most of his thoughts on others, but if you were to truly pick his thoughts on Riqueza, he believes the man has a lot to learn in terms of patience, and acceptance. Of course, all things considered, he thinks that humoring Riqueza would only end badly for the both of them. As such Sargon tends to stay distant from deeper conversations with him, trusting that in due time the boy will learn to mature on his own, and if he doesn't, then what use does Sargon have to humor him.



[ Guardianship ] Meikyu is dangerous, and dangerously immature to boot. He has sworn for the time being to protect them but in all honesty, he likely intends to have Meikyu imprisioned forever, or simply wiped from existence once she has finished living. He keeps his guard extraordinarily high around her because of her true nature, and believes the humanoid-reincarnated book needs to be treated like an object so they do not get any thoughts of destroying civilization before they can be disposed of properly, as a necrotic item of her caliber and creation should be.




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