


3 years, 1 month ago



"B-brother, are you sure everything will go well? We didn't have enough time to study the songs and and and-"

  • Name Gure
  • Age 22
  • Height 5'7
  • Occupation Co-Singer of Akumukalypse, Guitarist
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Song Prism - Eskimo Callboy
  • Personality

    Gure was, in his past, a pretty brutal fella. He often messed with the wrong people and had a lot of low self-estemm. But thanks to his brother Kuro and his band, Gure found a new purpose in life without brutality, without fights and without hatred.

    Nowadays, he is far more shy and gets flustered easily over compliments. His brother tries to bring him into the spotlight so he gets used to him being appreciated, but Gure can't deal with that so well for now. But he really tries his best to accept compliments, although he still has low self esteem.

    But thanks to his past, this Neko Boy is scared and worried often. He is scared his past will come back to him and he never seem to be able to completely relax. And so, to work off some steam, he writes lyrics for songs for his band, which is his new passion and hyperfixation. When he sings, he is a completely different person, filled with determination and passion.

    What most people don't know is, that he is still kind of a bodyguard for the band. He never forgot how to fight and he is ready to defend his friends when one of the obsessive fans should attack them. He is always ready for when this should happen.

    His hobbies include watching birds, stargazing, training (secretly), listening to Metal, writing lyrics, playing the guitar and letting out his emotions by singing

  • Skills
    • ● Fighting Cat: Still knows his fighting skills from his past, can easily knock someone out.
    • ● Hidden Scars: Hides a knife on his body, when things should escalate. Always ready when an attack happens.
    • ● Poet: Is a true poet, has a talent of writing deep lyrics with a hidden, special meaning. But he denies this.
    • ● Prism: Has a prism as his lucky charm always on his side. Can use it to blind others when they threaten him.
    • ● Visions: Has sometimes visions and nightmares of what will happen next. Never shares them with his friends but tries to prevent their happening.
    • ● Singing Personality: When he sings, he forgets his shyness and goes all out.
    • Likes Metal, Birds, Singing, Akumukalypse, Blueberries, Stars, The Moon, Nightskies, Good Dreams, Cold fresh air, breezes
    • Dislikes Threats, Being in a crowd, Sleeping, Calming down, Provocating looks, his past
    • Walkthrough

      Gure used to be in a gang in his younger years. He cared little to none about school and rather spent his time causing trouble. In school, he was bullied for being the smallest and youngest as well as his dreamy personality, and so he joined a gang and started causing big trouble. That was, until Kuro, his older brother, started his band "Akumukalypse" and invited his brother into it.

      Gure was pretty shy and scared at first, he didn't want to dissappoint his brother again, But slowly, he grew into his new role and really enjoyed making and creating music. And then, he was ready to face his gang and, together with Nishihara, he taught them a lesson and ever since, they left Gure alone.

      Nowadays, Gure still makes music, but Visions and Nightmares of what could happen haunt his sleeps. And so, he tries to prevent this, he is always ready when something should happen and is ready to die for his friends. Luckily, a critical situation never happened for now.

Design Notes And Wishlist
  • ● He has two different eye colors and has cat eyes!
  • ● Mostly paints his nails black
  • ● His body type is a bit muscular and slender
  • ● Has big fluffy ears and a big fluffy tail
  • ● -----WISHLIST-----
  • ● Anything related to his themesong would be pretty epic
  • ● Anything based on his personality or skills is super epic as well!
  • ● Fighting
  • ● Singing
  • ● Angsty Art or Soft Art
WIP Relationship


Who is your family?

My older brother Kuro and his friend Nishihara. They saved me from my horrible life and they care about who I really am, helping me with everything. I-i really like them and am so thankful for knowing them.

  • ● His favorite birds are bluetits and blackbirds. He also likes Crows.
  • ● Sometimes sleeps through the whole day and stays awake the whole night
  • ● Paints Kuro's and Nishihara's nails sometimes
  • ● Doozes off pretty often, but it is easy to wake him up
  • ● Sometimes wears eyeliner

profile html by Hukiolukio