


3 years, 1 month ago


This profile is marked for renewal and will soon be revamped. Please take all information with a grain of salt.



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  •   Bad Memories
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Partner // Leader






Creator // Enemy




Life In The Facility

Stand Subject 3 - 'Asthma', the third and final of this subject group, is the world's first artificially created Stand user that also has absolute access to the soul's abilities. Better explained as having her senses turned in towards her soul, Asthma has one foot in the physical and another in the spiritual, able to perceive pieces of both at once, often in an incredibly convoluted fashion. The procedure enabling this was not without side effects; Asthma suffers extreme schizophrenia and often experiences delusions due to her abilities.

Asthma cannot voluntarily recall her past. It comes back to her in flashes and episodes over time, though she cannot piece it together. She only remembers her life after her procedure, and that too is filled with holes.

She knows she took solice in the company of Haku and Deodand. She knows it was a very dark and lonely time. And she knows her creator was never kind to them. Bits and pieces of concrete, untainted experiences are largely lost to time. What is certain is her bond to Haku and Deodand.

At many points during her post-procedure time at the facility, she learned more of her potential. Her abilities are nitrogen based, and through her connection with them she can detect and harness changes in nitrogen content. She doesn't understand the specifics, nor does she have to; it comes as easily as seeing and hearing. Her creator fashioned her a regulator device that carefully maintains her breathing so that she can better hone her senses on other things. While originally an optional apparatus, Asthma soon became dependant on the mask; without it, the flow of stimuli is too overwhelming.

The stranger facets of her nitrogen control were discovered through aid from Haku, including targeted fixation of nitrogen, or in wider terms, creating targeted bolts of lightning. Her ability doesn't manifest itself as a traditional Stand does; instead, she can create blobs of a goo-like chemical that conducts nitrogen remarkably well. These blobs can be set in places where there isn't a significant amount of nitrogen present so Asthma can target or track it.

This indirect way of causing lightning would be the most important asset in their escape. With some help from Deodand, Asthma was tasked with forging a way out of the facility by shorting out the various security systems. She also served as a lookout, able to detect movement and breathing long before Deodand. She would call back to this experience whenever she needs a grounding memory.

Asthma didn't contribute much else until the group landed on the coast. She stood over the unconscious Deodand while Haku searched for shelter, feeling extremely close to her brother figure despite his distant nature when around her. She peered deep into his soul and found great turmoil and fear; though Deodand never knew it, she would always be monitoring him, ready to comfort him when she could.

Asthma kept watch while Haku tended to Deodand under the cover of a fallen tree, which, though long dead, Asthma saw was teeming with life. She wandered around the coast while the others rested, aloof in reality, but alert to the changes around her. She discovered and identified a small, unidentified flying object coming their way from the direction they came from, a minute before it was visible. This early warning gave them time to prepare. Since Deodand was out of commission, Asthma needed to defend him at all costs. Haku erected a shield around the tree, and Asthma borrowed the nitrogen from the moss and insects to send a bolt through to the flying robot, disabling it. This action derived from sheer defensive love is one that Asthma would remember forever, reusing it against anything that might harm her siblings.

While the rest of the group rebranded themselves, Asthma stayed as Asthma. She chose to legitimize Haku's nickname for her ability, Thunder and Reign. Asthma is the only individual to occasionanlly refer to Deo as his old name, and is also the only individual who won't get pummeled for doing so.

It was difficult for Asthma to assimilate into society. Not only did her mask make her stand out, but she often acted aloof and was prone to schizophrenic episodes. Haku's charm often covered for her so that the locals didn't feel too uneasy around her; in fact, she would sometimes make friends with those who took interest in her condition. She never left home without either Haku or Deo, or both. All she wanted was for everyone to be happy, and she was happy with accompanying her siblings wherever they may go.

Life On The Run

Asthma's mental state was never constant. Her many delusions and hallucinations can change her mood on a dime, or a sudden change in mood can unintentionally trigger hallucinations. Thinking about how her creator permanently damaged her produces very powerful mixed feelings.

Not only was Asthma vulnerable without Haku or Deo, but they were vulnerable without her. The attacks by androids and other mechs persisted, in increasingly creative ways. If it weren't for Asthma's early warning ability, the trio would've been recaptured as quickly as they'd escaped. Asthma cannot be caught off guard, no matter what is thrown at her.

Asthma isn't entirely dependant on the others. She will engage impostor androids on her own, typically finding that they mean no harm. Like with the civillians she sees regularly, she connects with some of the harmless androids she finds in this way, occasionally telling them her story and causing a change in heart.

Due to her abilities and the nature of nitrogen, Asthma has a deep attachment to plants of all kinds. She keeps a variety of houseplants, all with their own names and supposed 'personalities' she finds from their life essence. An excellent caretaker, she has never killed a plant and those she cares for flourish, constantly being fed fresh nitrogen from her. Asthma tends to travel with a small plant, usually opting for a young potted succulent, but if she can't afford to carry it she will pin a live air plant to her hair. Neither Haku nor Deo understand this obsession; out of her many quirks, they have deemed this the strangest.

Asthma still lives with the mask apparatus. The group has had to repair the tubes and connections a couple times, though Asthma dreads the time when it'll stop working, forcing the group to seek out exactly the type of scientist they have denounced.

Above all, despite her unfortunate circumstances, Asthma is very happy. As long as she can make the most of her time, and maybe open some eyes along the way, everything is worth it.

  Asthma is capable of many other, much more destructive feats with her ability, but she doesn't think to use it in these ways.
  Asthma is the only coyote in the trio with a focus on the right eye instead of the left, however, consistent with the others, her right eye doesn't function properly; most hallucinations she experiences through her ability are shown through this eye only.
  Asthma is a pure bean I don't know what to write here
Out of Universe
  Asthma was designed by Myth, and much of her personality and abilities are derived from her design and inspired by the song Asthma.
  The colors of the mask's eyeglass were found by accidentally setting a black layer set to Burn over Asthma's design, resulting in the burning out of the pink and turquoise into red, black, and blue.
  • LogicalEmotional
  • ConfidentTimid
  • LeaderFollower
  • EmpatheticCold
  • CharismaticIrritating
  • HardworkingLazy
  • WiseNaïve
  • CleverSimpleminded
  • CarefulImpulsive
  • DexterousClumsy
  Thunder and Reign  




Asthma's Thunder and Reign has full control over the element of nitrogen, including the fixing of nitrogen and the storage of it. The Stand doesn't manifest, instead being one with Asthma's body. Despite the very wide range of uses for this ability, Asthma's mental state inhibits her from knowing of or using it to its full potential.

The Stand gives Asthma a sixth sense, allowing her to perceive nitrogen and how it flows. This ability is aided by her mask, which regulates her own breathing so that she always gives off and takes in a predictable amount of nitrogen. The sense works over long distances, enabling her to detect threats as they approach, typically long before they can be seen. A breathing subject is easier to detect, though lifeless movements can be detected through the nitrogen in the air and the effects the subject makes on other sources of nitrogen, such as grass. Purely metaphysical Stands such as Seizure of Power are undetectible until they interact with the environment. The closer a subject gets to Asthma, the easier it is for her detect precise movements. This sense does not impede her other five any more than the mask does.

Thunder and Reign has no defensive capabilities, but one offensive tactic: the rapid fixation of nitrogen, which summons a lightning bolt between Asthma and the target. The bolt varies in power, which isn't entirely controllable. A target can only be struck if it has significantly more nitrogen on or around it than the environment. Trees and other plant life can also be used for targeting due to their high nitrogen content. In specific instances where it is carefully planned, a fixing bolt can chain from one high-nitrogen target to another of higher nitrogen content.

Targeting can be aided by Thunder and Reign's ability to produce blobs of clear mucuslike gel, which houses bacteria that pull in nitrogen from the air. Given a couple seconds, these blobs become excellent conductors for the fixing bolts. They are also the easiest substance for Asthma to track over long distances, and can be affixed to someone or something to be followed. The nitrogen content gets more potent over time, but the blobs don't last very long before dissolving into liquid and evaporating away.

Thunder and Reign was brutally connected to Asthma in unnatural ways. It can very rarely cause episodes where Asthma loses grip on reality and falls into the perceptive roles of a lost soul, being unable to perceive the world save for other souls. Asthma has full, absolute control over Thunder and Reign in this state and can physically interact with other Stands, but she is often far too panicked to utilize this.