


4 years, 1 month ago


This profile is marked for renewal and will soon be revamped. Please take all information with a grain of salt.

  • AliasLupe Maxia
  • NamesakeAdopt
  • SpeciesCoyote
  • GenderFemale


  •   Tricks
  •   Allies
  •   Magic
  •   Risks


  •   Stupidity
  •   Ignorance
  •   Rules
  •   Androids




Partner // Follower



Partner // Follower



Creator // Enemy




Life In The Facility

Stand Subject 2 - 'Haku' was the second of three coyotes successfully bred with immediate access to their Stand abilities, and the first, unsuccessful attempt at artificially enhancing said abilities. Whereas Stand Subject 1 - 'Deodand' was largely studied physically, it was Haku's psyche studied. She was often rigged with a headset strudded with sensors and told to perform a series of tasks. It was all in preparation for surgery intended to change how her brain works to allow her better access to her abilities.

From day one, Haku shared her experience with the depressed and fearful Deodand. Through stubborness, optimism, and chaotic will, Haku was careful to keep her spirits up, even when things got rough. She felt bad for Deodand and wanted to help him in any way possible, though there wasn't much she could do.

Not long after Haku recovered from her surgery, Stand Subject 3 - 'Asthma' entered the scene. Haku tried very hard to be friendly to her, using her magic abilities to entertain her and trying to comfort her, but she was discouraged by her lack of mental presence. Surrounded by the negativity of her peers, Haku discussed with Deodand what life could be like had they been dealt different cards; and perhaps if there was a way to reshuffle the deck.

In the little time Asthma was sent to the chamber, Haku was able to learn about her abilities and the various conditions inhibiting her. The schizophrenic had a much tighter bond with Haku than with Deodand, but Haku made sure they all felt comfortable as one family of siblings.

One day, it all clicked into place, and the plan seemed as clear as day: Haku realized the trio had everything they needed to get out of this subjugation. Haku would put herself in the line of fire and work as a distraction while Asthma disabled the defense systems and Deodand busted them out. Haku was excited to finally have some action, confident they could pull it off.

Haku's overconfidence lead her into a bit of a pickle during the escape; she thought she could simultaniously sabotage the facility by flooding it with deadly gas, but, on the way out, she discovered other live test subjects being held in chambers similar to hers. She went back and stopped the gas, extremely sorry to the other subjects whom she may have put within an inch of death. She caught up with the others, but was sobered by the image of the other struggling subjects.

Despite having never seen a plane before, much less flown one, Haku was able to start one and get the trio off of the island atoll the facility was on. Things were looking great until Haku realized she had never considered whether or not the plane had enough fuel to get them to shore. They crash landed into the ocean with a lot of distance left to cover. Always with a crafty solution up her sleeve, Haku conjured a small raft with her ability and instructed Deodand to use his to kick water. Their makeshift boat got them to land.

Haku scouted around while Asthma stayed with Deodand as he rested. She lead the group to a small covered area she found under a fallen tree. Not long after, Asthma detected an oncoming threat: an insectlike android branded with the symbols of the facility. Haku needed to protect the unconscious Deodand, so in a moment of desperation she used her miming ability to erect a shield around their hiding place. To Haku's amazement, Asthma conducted her own ability through the tree and short ciruited the mech. Haku dropped the guard and threw the deactivated android into the ocean. She would later use this same strategy to guard the team whenever they were attacked.

They stayed in this makeshift camp for a couple days. Haku was ready to seize her longtime dream and leave the life of the facility behind: she rebranded as Lupe Maxia to further internalize this, however, her companions still know her as Haku. She chose to name her ability Fear Inoculum.

Upon being taken in by a kind bystander, Haku devoted every moment towards learning visual magic. Using mainly the internet as her teacher, she learned slight of hand techniques, which she would synthesize with her spirit object ability to create a combination of traditional techniques and genuine magical techniques. She first performed at local shops and resturants, gaining a reputation among both locals and travelers. Time passed and the trio became more accustomed to society; once they were comfortable enough, they accompanied Haku on tour across the world.

Life On The Run

Haku supports the team by performing magic show gigs, both big and small; though her number one priority will always be their safety. She is considered the team leader, generally the one to make big decisions and push the group to try new things, despite her impulsive nature which is often checked by Deo.

Despite her flair and confidence, Haku is secretly very apprehensive over the idea that anyone could be an android, and anyone could be out to capture them. Since she, unlike the others, does not always have permanant access to her abilities, Haku always carries a knife, which she isn't afraid to use on suspicious figures.

Haku's bold side continues to put her in precarious situations, but she's confident in her ability to overcome anything in her path. Though her dreams are big, nothing is greater than her care for her team.

  Haku loves when details about her are obscured and aren't widely known. She enjoys an aura of mystery.
  Haku is willing to entrust her hat, and by extension her Stand, to only Asthma or Deo. They have used it to get out of tight situations before.
  While being the most leaderlike figure among the trio of coyotes, Haku is extremely impulsive, and her decisions are often checked by the more careful Deo.
  Haku feels affection and feels it deeply, at least for her close friends, but she doesn't see the point in settling down with someone else.
  Since she firmly believes that her job isn't done until the facility is done performing inhumane acts, Haku assumes her Stand will persist after her death.
Out of Universe
  Although Haku's name was given by her original owner, the word in Japanese means 'wear', in terms of clothing and accessories. It can be written as ハク or 履く and it is pronounced the same.
  Haku was originally a wolf before being changed into a coyote. Nothing about her changed other than the reasoning behind her alias.
  • LogicalEmotional
  • ConfidentTimid
  • LeaderFollower
  • EmpatheticCold
  • CharismaticIrritating
  • HardworkingLazy
  • WiseNaïve
  • CleverSimpleminded
  • CarefulImpulsive
  • DexterousClumsy
  Fear Inoculum  
  • Ability TypeBound // Close Range
  • Form TypeArtificial Non-Humanoid
  • Tentative TypeN/A
  • NamesakeFear Inoculum - TOOL




Fear Inoculum has both a physical form and a bound form. Only one form can be active at once.

Bound Form

Bound to Haku's hat. Haku can reach into the hat and pull out intangible spirit objects. Anything Haku can think of can be pulled from the hat, so long as it fits inside it. These spirit objects are visible to anyone, including non-Stand users, but can only be handled by Haku and other Stands.

The appearance of spirit objects can be altered once pulled. They can disappear and reappear at Haku's will, anywhere within her range. They will vanish completely once Haku forgets about them, or once inserted back into the hat.

Spirit objects do not have to follow physics and can be used to perform visual 'magic.'

Since they are intangible, spirit objects can only affect Stands, or be used for visual trickery.

Anyone in possession of the hat can use the bound form of the Stand just as Haku can. Haku loses access to both forms if she does not posess the hat, but nobody else can use the physical form.

Physical Form

The physical form of Fear Inoculum takes on the appearance of a figure made of smoke donning the hat. Its ability allows anything it mimes to be manifested as a physical but invisible object. This ability is limited only by Haku's imagination and miming ability.

A mimed object stays active until focus on it is lost; when the Stand stops miming or when it mimes something new, the original object disappears. This means no more than two objects can be mimed at a time.

Mimed objects affect both Stands and other physical beings.