
3 years, 4 months ago










Introduction · · ·

-Was created by Tom

-Is Alyla's Boyfriend




  • Alyla
  • Christmas
  • Hummingbirds
  • Quiet Spaces


  • Tom
  • Drills
  • Cages
  • Sharp Objects

Personality · · ·

Unlike Alyla, Broken is shy and quiet. He prefers to keep to himself most of the time and only really talks to her. His missing an eye is a sensitive subject and thinks he looks ugly, leading to a bad self esteem. After Alyla passes away he gets even more quiet, but comes out of his shell a bit when Alpha befriends him, revealing a heavy layer of sarcasm underneath his shy exterior.

 Positive Trait

Very sweet. Doesn't like seeing people sad.

 Negative Trait

Can come off rude without meaning too. Ignores some people as well.


Very good with words. Takes time to think through the things he's gonna say. 

- NeGATIVE Trait

While good with words, he's not good at social interaction. At all.

Stats · · ·

Empathy            4/5     

Confidence        0/5 

Intellect             5/5 

Patience            4/5 

Dedication          5/5 

Humor                1/5 

Charisma             2/5 

Perception           3/5 

 · · · 

A simple "sorry" shouldn't make up for that, It doesn't make up for what mattered.

Trivia · · ·

 Eye color was red and gray after Alyla died, but in his final moments of his life his original eye color returned because he knew he'd done a good thing saving Alpha
 If Alyla and Broken hadn't escaped Tom when they did, Tom would've taken Broken's arm.
 Carries around a necklace Alyla had given him. It's his prized possession. Before he dies, he gives the necklace to Alpha. 
 A book snob. If he doesn't like a certain book you will know. 
 His tail reflects his mood. If his tail is up, he's happy. If it's down, he's sad.
 Cannot stand flips flops                                                              

Backstory · · ·

Broken was created by Tom and then was introduced to his girlfriend Alyla. The two hit it off until Tom imprisoned both of them and decided to experiment on Broken, which caused him to lose his right eye, and with that, his confidence. Alyla had enough of seeing Broken injured so she broke them out without Tom knowing. She found a place for her and Broken to stay and they settled there. Broken was having a hard time processing everything Tom did and would often break down in tears. Alyla was always there to comfort him, and she slowly but surely was able to bring his confidence back up. She defended them against anyone who wanted to attack Broken as well as taking him to picnics. On one of those picnics, Tom had found Alyla and Broken. Tom was infuriated that they had escaped and went to kill Broken. Broken was too scared to move so Alyla pushed Broken out of the way and took the blow for him. She soon passed away, and heartbroken, he buried her body near the picnic area, where she'd always love to hang out. Shattered, Broken wandered around aimlessly for a few days before meeting Tattletail. He'd apparently seen Alyla die and made a conscious decision NOT to help them. Instead, he decided to taunt Broken about her passing. This went on for a few days until Broken met Nightmare. Nightmare told Tattletail off and got him to run away. She decided to help Broken and the two hung out together until an alarm was set off. Nightmare goes to see who it is and Broken follows. Once Nightmare sorts it out, Broken peeks his head out, wondering who was there. One of the newcomers notice him and go over to say hi. He introduces himself as Alpha. Broken instantly recognizes the other newcomer (Inky) as the Ink Demon, the one Alyla had to constantly defend them from. He screamed in terror but Nightmare ultimately decided for Broken and her to tag along with Inky and Alpha. Inky and Alpha get in an argument and Nightmare goes to look for him, and when they come back they have none other than Tattletail with them. The two leave each other alone for now and they end up getting attacked by Drippy. Drippy tells Broken Alyla's death was his fault, and tries to kill him, only to be stopped by Alpha. Broken goes to see Alyla's grave and Alpha follows. Broken tells Alpha what happened and expresses his guilt for her passing. Alpha comforts him and places flowers by her grave. The two head back only for Broken to get taunted by Tattletail. Alpha and Broken go take a break from Tattletail, and there Alpha becomes Broken's first ever friend. Alpha gets captured however, and Broken thinks that he lost his first friend after he'd just gotten to know him. However Alpha is fine and comes back with Inky (who'd left the group previously). Alpha explains what happened to Inky and they let him back on the group. They find Joey's place and all hang out there, everyone hitting it off quite well Until the safehouse gets attacked. Inky goes missing and Broken and Alpha look for him. While this happens, one of the attackers shapeshift into Joey, one of the people Alpha is truly scared of. They're about to kill Alpha, but Broken pushes Alpha out of the way. Alpha desperately tries to save him but fails. Broken gives Alpha a necklace Alyla had given him and dies with a satisfied smile, knowing he did a good thing saving his best friends' life.

Links · · ·




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