
3 years, 1 month ago










Introduction · · ·

-Was born to Derek and Daisy Phillips

-Full name is Dean Andrew Phillips

-He changed his name to Thomas Connor to hide from law enforcement.


-Voice Claim: Will Wood


  • His brother
  • Naps
  • Reading


  • The rest of his family
  • Loud Noises
  • Seeing others succeed when he doesn't

Tom is an extremely angry and vindictive person. He decided humanity was all bad after he was falsely framed for the murder of his brother. Due to this, he decided that he wanted to take anyone down that he could. He closed himself off to others completely and killed everyone, barely feeling any emotion or empathy for the people who's lives he ruined.

-Positive Trait

If he decides to let you in, he is incredibly loyal and would literally kill for you. Unfortunately in cannon, this never happens. 

 Negative Trait

Is not trusting whatsoever. He doesn't ever tell anyone what is going on which leads to his downward spiral.

-negative Trait

A massive hypocrite. He hates his dad and what he did to his brother and himself but then starts treating others like how his dad treated him. 

-positive Trait

Surprisingly good singer.

Stats · · ·

Empathy             2/5

Confidence         5/5

Intellect              5/5

Patience             5/5

Dedication            5/5

Humor                  5/5

Charisma              5/5

Perception            2/5

 · · · 

I didn't do it! I swear I didn't! You gotta believe me!

Trivia · · ·

 Was made purposefully one dimensional, before ultimately settling on giving him an actual backstory
 His actual eye color is a piercing light blue, like his fathers. He hides it with colored contacts.

Backstory · · · TW:// Murder and Child Abuse

Tom grew up in an incredibly abusive household. When Tom was 6 years old, his dad murdered his mother right in front of him and hid the evidence. His dad soon remarried, giving Tom a step-mother and older sister. Tom and his older brother, Jacob, took most of his fathers abuse. Him and his brother were badly injured by his dad quite frequently, and only had each other to rely on. Eventually, Tom's step-mother and sister left Tom's father, making the abuse ten times worse. By this time, Tom was a teenager and his brother had just recently turned 18. His brother promised Tom that he would take Tom with him and escape. The day they tried to attempt it, Tom's father finds out and knocks Tom out cold, and then murders his brother. Tom woke up to find his brothers' corpse and ended up getting arrested. Tom's father framed Tom for the murder and he was thrown in prison. Tom ended up getting very hardened by prison, being forced to kill others to survive. Tom grew increasingly angry and bitter towards the world; his brother, the only person who treated him kindly, was dead and the world didn't care that he didn't do kill him. He decided that the world was evil and that he wanted it all to burn. Tom escaped prison and tracked down his step-mom, step-sister, and father and murdered them all. He then cut his hair, put on different colored eye contacts, and changed his name. He then kidnapped his old neighbor Wilson and forced him to help him create the Ink Machine so it could help him with wiping out humanity as a whole. He landed a job at Joey Drew Studios and worked his way up to being the right hand man of the CEO. He created three cartoons to help him take the studio over, Inky, Drippy, and Splotch. Tom took over the studio and mass-murdered everyone. Drippy ended up possessing another toon named Bendy. Tom started experimenting on Drippy, using Drippy's want for them to become a family against them. This starts to slowly kill Drippy until he ends up dying from Tom's experiments. By this time, the studio is falling apart due to the overuse of the Ink Machine. Once Drippy passes, Bendy is freed and forces Tom to stay in the studio and he ends up getting crushed as the studio falls apart.

Links · · ·

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