01. Kitsune Kohaku (5. Relationships)



5 years, 3 months ago



Yukito Kitsune

[ Clan Leader | Mentor | Role Model ]
Kohaku absolutely admires Yukito. He feels grateful that he's able to be considered a friend and tries to learn whatever he can from Yukito. To him, there's no greater person in the world to try and live up to. Inspired by Yukito's motivation to protect his clan, Kohaku tries to emulate that as well. He hopes to one day earn Yukito's respect and become as dependable as he is to the Kitsune. Until then, Kohaku's going to keep watching what he does and says -- so he can be just as great as Yukito is. While they both do what they can for their Clan, Kohaku knows Yukito holds onto the grudges of the past and leans into them for most of the Clan's statements and declarations. Kohaku understands the reasonings behind them and doesn't try to dissuade him from doing so. Partially because of Yukito's position as the Clan Leader and also because Kohaku would never dream to change the minds of the people he loves. While they have differing views on somethings, they have the same goal in mind: For the good for the Kitsune. Kohaku has an immense amount of respect towards Yukito and does look up to him. He hopes to one day be recognized for his efforts, but until then he's going to work hard until he can earn it.

Kokoro Kitsune

[ Clanmate ]
Kohaku's clansman and someone he looks up to. Kohaku admires Kokoro and sees her as an amazing individual. The two are usually seen causing trouble and pulling pranks with their fellow clansmen but the also happen to been seen running towards various restaurants from time to time. Both share a very friendly and cheerful nature and are rarely seen in conflict. Kohaku really loves hanging around Kokoro. Always knows good places for food and taught him how to dine and dash.

Himawari Kitsune

[ Clanmate ]
Another clansmen of Kohaku's and someone he admires. Aside from causing truouble with Himawari, Kohaku lokes spending time with her and learning whatever he can. He also admires her beauty as well. He considers Himawari to be a close comrade and is astonished at the numerous restaurants she finds with amazing food. The two are usually seen wolfing down whatever food is in front of them only to work it off by playing, training, or pranking. Restaurant buddies!!!

Hazuko Kitsune

[ Clanmate ]
Kohaku loves Hakuzo. Namely for all the shenanigans they get into but also because Kohaku feels a strong kinship to him. He remembers all the fun he had as kid chasing after Hakuzo and Akari and wanting to be like they were. When Kohaku got older, he became even more enthused by Hakuzo's adventures around the village. When there's fun to be had or trouble to cause, Kohaku knows Hakuzo isn't too far behind and will run over to join in if he can. His love for his clansmen is immense and knows it's reciprocated. Whatever the cause, Kohaku always tried to have his big brother's back if he can manage to do so.

Suguro Kitsune

[ Clanmate | The Clan's Big Brother ]
Kohaku's always loved being around Suguro. Being the clan's resident"big brother", many of the younger Kitsune always spent time with him. Kohaku wasn't any different. He remembers seeing Suguro and his older brother, Anri, racing around quite a bit. Always cheered for them both too! Whenever Kohaku needed help with something, whether trivial or not, he'd ask Suguro. After the deaths of their younger siblings when the Ninja Academy exploded, Suguro helped Kohaku channel his sorrow into helping people. To try and prevent something like that from happening again in the future. From time to time, Kohaku visits Suguro to try and get through the lingering pain of his younger brother's death. Maybe not talk about it, but to find a way to get past the pain.

Rikuro Kitsune

[ Clanmate | Best Friend ]
Kohaku's best friend and bro. When they were in the Academy, the pair often caused trouble. Pranking their teachers, fellow classmates, and so on. Even if it meant getting detention, they had fun and that's all that mattered. They maintained a close friendship as they got older and are also still seen causing trouble. When Kohaku learned he and Kagura were dating, he felt happy both his best friends cared for each other like that.

Honoka Hitoyo

[ Childhood Friend | Girlfriend | Deceased ]
Kohaku and Honoka have known each other since they were kids. He loved playing with her, her older brother, and other Kitsune/Hitoyo when they were in the Academy. Once they graduated, they didn't become as close as they could have been but recent events have started to make them see one another after Tarou's death. Kohaku is more nervous and anxious around her though and hopes to one day work up the nerve to tell her how he feels. In the meantime, Haruki speaks fluent Kohaku and tries to help Honoka out. As of arc 17, Kohaku has worked up the nerve to ask her out and they're starting to date. A young lady that Kohaku has known since they were kids. Up until recently, he had no issues being himself around her. However, he's started to notice how pretty the Hitoyo women are and can't help but become a blubbering mess every time he sees her. When they're not busy running around, the two are usually seen eating at a restaurant. Kohaku worked up the nerve to ask her out after the events of Arc 17. Shortly later she dies and he feels immense regret in not being able to rescue her.

Masashi Hitoyo

[ Friend ]
Kohaku likes hanging around Masa. He loves trying to find new bugs to eat and how to smack someone at the right time. He has no issues with Masa but does wonder if he is really aware of what goes on around him. However, he's always up for playing around with Masa and other Kitsune or Hitoyo they run into.

Onomi Mansei

[ Friend ]
Kohaku was painting with Haruki when he met Onomi. They got into a paint fight and then raced around the village and climbed some trees. Kohaku likes her and thinks she's amazing! He also thinks that "Mansei Bowling" might've been the best thing Hakuzo could ever have come up with!

Utaro Uranami

[ Acquaintance ]
They only know a little about each other but Kohaku is very put off by the Uranami. He finds them to be "out of place" so he doesn't hold a high opinion of them. All in all, he does think that Utaro should man up and stop being a grump. Kohaku is kind of put off by the Uranami and thinks that men shouldn't giggle that much... or wear that much makeup :u

Saori Asukai

[ In denial about a non-existent friendship ]
Kohaku believes that one day, Saori will return his sentiments about being friends. When they met during one of the Chuunin Exams, he tried to take it as an effort to try and befriend her. Despite all the bad blood between their clans, he didn't see why they couldn't try at least. Just because their ancestors tried to kill each other, doesn't mean that they had to as well. However, her reluctance to see him as anything less than an annoyance has kind of derailed the attempts. He does cheer for her in exams however, even if he received a hands down beat down from her during another Chuunin Exam they were in. One day, he knows she'll want t return his wish to be friends with her.

Tadashi Minawa

[ Teammate | Tada's source of major annoyance ]
They were classmates, peers, faction enemies, and teammates. The general feelings for them is a toss up. Kohaku tried to befriend him when they were younger and again when they became teammates. Much to no avail as well. Kohaku does hold a grudge against him to a degree, believing Tadashi to be responsible for the death of a Kitsune during the early part of the faction wars that continued to plague Tōrōgakure. While the desire to dish out revenge was great, Kohaku restrained himself from doing so on Yukito's orders. In recent events, he's proud to have outdone Tadashi at least -- clearing through the Jounin Exam on hsi first attempt.

Akimitsu Sugimoto

[ Acquaintance ]
Kohaku's more or less scared by her simply because she yelled at him for an accident. Scary lady is terrifying.

Akimitsu Sugimoto

[ Acquaintance ]
Kohaku's more or less scared by her simply because she yelled at him for an accident. Scary lady is terrifying.

Himiko Kitsune

[ Friend ]
Himiko has always been around to hang around Kohaku. Being the youngest in their clan, he's always looked up to his older clansmen. When his girlfriend dumped him, Himiko was there to cheer him up. Finding ways for him not keep his mind preoccupied and put a msile on his face. They talked through his break up, all the feelings involved, and so on. She took it in strides and gave him ways to look at things differently. Such as that his ex-girlfriend gets to miss out on any future fun to be had -- her loss and another's gain.

Hoshiko Kitsune

[ Treasure Hunting Buddy ]
Kohaku is convinced there's an old treasure to benefit the Kitsune Clan, at least it's what Hoshiko has suggested numerous times. He feels compelled to help her out, even if it leads to a lot of dead ends and nothing else. After he enlisted into the Summoning Brigade, their searches went by remarkably easier. One time they found an old coin near the Ninja Academy. It was old and had paint on it but they were convinced it was blood and that it predated the village's founding. So, with the help of Kankuro and their foxes, the pair dug around everywhere near the Ninja Academy. They didn't find anything, but they did have a lot of fun.

Hikari Kitsune

[ Fellow Prankster ]
Someone Kohaku's always had fun pranking people with. Such as leaving confetti mud balls for people, disguising themselves with transformation jutsu for harmless fun, and so on. The last prank they committed was to the Asukai. They left firecracker traps and entered the compound to leave mud ball traps. Something both were proud to have snuck in and out without getting the attention of any of the Asukai.

Takeo Kitsune

[ Friend ]
Takeo is just too cool to Kohaku. He loves hanging around him to learn cool tips and tricks. Though they have gone on pranking sprees around the village from time to time, usually involving rotten eggs, Takeo has been trying to teach the younger Kitsune slight of hand tricks. Kohaku hopes that he can try to master that trick and usually fumbles with doing it in a subtle manner.

Furukawa Kiryuu

[ Friend | Mentor ]
Both met through their enrollment into the Bijutsu Brigade. They butted heads quite a bit at first, mainly for their views on art, but have found a way to get along. Much to Kiryuu's chagrin, Kohaku always has something to talk about -- which usually results in Kiryuu trying to find ways to keep the young shinobi quiet so he can work in peace. However, to Kohaku, he views Kiryuu's attempts as a show of affection -- "he can't hate me, he keeps playing these weird games with me". Kiryuu being more well versed in their specialty, Kohaku does listen to him whenever Kiryuu offers advice. Something which Kohaku takes in stride after their fight in the Jounin Exam's tournament. Being able to beat a mentor-like figure made Kohaku feel a sense of accomplishment.

Okuni Kitsune

[ Unofficial Big Sister ]
Big sister vibes. Okuni always finds ways to spoil Kohaku, which he'll never argue against. She's usually around to accompany him in painting on walls around the village.

Asukai Kaoru

[ Acquaintances ]
Kohaku and Kaoru have an odd relationship. Not quite friends but not quite rivals. Kohaku likes to try and make Kaoru have some fun though Kaoru's more interested in trying to make Kohaku speak properly. Kohaku also doesn't like that he drew a dragon trying to roast his Bear-sukai painting.

Kitsune Schichirou

[ Friends ]