jacob de silva



2 years, 11 months ago


Jacob de Silva

Quick Stats

name Jacob de Silva
Age 45
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns Any
Race Latino, Filipino
Orient. Gay ( )


A priest-turned-detective formerly of St. Lucia's Chapel, a man who practiced his faith in faithless situations. Interested in anomalies, Jacob chases knowledge like his own belief in God.

Kind and forgiving, his faith has turned into something personal to him, nothing he can share with others. Though he masquerades as a normal individual, his thoughts belie other weaknesses.


  • 6'0 / 181 cm
  • Needs glasses, but prefers wearing contact lenses
  • Emphasis on eye lines, mouth wrinkles, and cheekbones
  • Has a red left eye and a yellow right eye, but you can still draw them with both eyes as yellow
  • Has white streaks in their hair


At first glance, Jacob is amiable and friendly, warm to any stranger that he meets. They’re initially welcoming and enjoy speaking to a variety of people, though has the tendency to be blunt with their questioning, curious about motivations and personality. They seem to enjoy unsettling people and seeing them in stress, as they believe this is where their ‘true personality’ surfaces, in times of crises. In the end, Jacob turns out to be quite unsettling and odd, intent on finding out what other people ‘hide’ behind polite façades.

Jacob is quick to emotion and can be easily swayed to believe in whatever plea that is made to them as long as it is made passionately. They have a soft spot and play favorites with detectives they know personally, as well as being unnecessarily harsh and criticizing against those they dislike. They seem to be unable to hold themselves back in public, and can often be vitriolic if they decide that someone deserves it. Judgemental to a fault, Jacob’s personal ruling of an individual sticks until they have sufficiently ‘proved’ themselves to be of good standing and character, or have suffered enough for it.

Jacob is an individual who seems to believe that they are ‘correct’, and their actions must be followed or else something disastrous will happen.


In November of 50AA, the street that St. Lucia had disappeared, as well as Jacob and Luka, who had been present at the time of its disappearance. It would not reappear again until two weeks later, where they seemed not to recognize the fact that they were gone. It was soon revealed that an angelic anomaly had created a pact with Luka’s father with the intent to ‘keep her safe’, and had locked St. Lucia and its surrounding environment in a time loop.

Upon interference from LQCC detectives, the angel attempted to keep them away, demanding sacrifice from each detective in order to proceed, or else suffer the consequences. Each detective received a diamond-shaped scar at the point of their ‘fatal wound’. Those who decided to sacrifice lost something about themselves (ranging from things like an eye to memories to individuality and sense of self) and would not recover it until months later, when the anomaly’s influence faded from their minds.

After Matthew 10:28, St. Lucia was destroyed. Jacob took an extensive break in order to tie up loose ends and help the Catholic diocese of Meteor City turn the former church into a park, returning only for certain missions and requesting to work mostly in operational and administrative duties.

Currently, Jacob de Silva is a senior detective at LQCC. A former priest of a local church in Meteor City, it was a small information ring that housed ne’er-do-wells and petty criminals. They had given up the information they’ve gathered in a bid to get into LQCC, a gamble which had worked.

They are taking the occasional field work, though remain with the agency still for paperwork, diplomacy, and cataloguing previous missions. They remain one of the foremost references on anomalies that can affect the mental state.