Murk Vyrm



3 years, 1 month ago


The murk vyrm is an uncommon blueform that generates in swampy or marshy regions, and is a somewhat unusual vyrm in that it does not necessarily require human settlement to be nearby in order to generate (it's just less common in uninhabited swamps). Semiaquatic and naturally blind, the murk vyrm navigates via a mixture of sound and touch, with its large ears above water and sensitive barbels below.

Prone to accidentally cutting or bruising itself on rocks and logs, it heals quickly but scars dramatically. One can roughly estimate the age of a murk vyrm by the amount of scars it has! Murk vyrms with large scars in the rough location of where eyes "should" be is a strangely common occurrence; vyrm researchers have yet to figure out precisely why this is.

The murk vyrm has both lungs and gills, and is capable of breathing both above and underwater.