


3 years, 1 month ago


-General Info-

Name: Holton Timothy Aurelian
Pronunciation: Hol-ton
Nicknames: Toni, bellboy, Spades
Age: 25
Birthday: September 2nd
Birthplace: ---
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6'6

-Distinguishing features-

Holton is a tall gray-ish brown stick figure with orange hair and yellow eyes. He's usually seen wearing his signature golden monocle and work uniform. 

Current residence: ---
Current home: An apartment near the hotel
Occupation: Hotel staff/bellboy, assassin
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: Citizen


Voice claim/Accent: 
Language: English 
Other languages known: Learning French
Style of speaking: Smooth and charming voice; tends to speak formally


Likes: Fancy things, musicals, jazz, polite customers
Dislikes: Rude language, spoiled kids, getting outsmarted
Hobbies/past times: Playing the piano, singing, practicing knife spinning tricks
Guilty pleasures: People tousling his hair, getting flirted on
Pet peeves: "May I speak to your manager"
Personal goals: ---
General intelligence: Extremely intelligent and calculated
General sociability: Fairly social, usually the one starting a conversation






Friends (currently)


Love interest

Pierce - Boyfriend, loves him very much


General Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, karate, acrobatics, sharp reflexes, agility
Peaceful or violent? Usually peaceful, extremely violent when required
Weapon(s) of choice: Pocket knife/ butterfly knife


-Night Vision-
Holton can see in complete darkness, though his eyes do glow when he uses this ability

-Infrared Vision-
Holton can change his vision to infrared, uhhhh google that up if you don't know what infrared vision is



Holton has a few light scars caused by injuries from previous missions

.: History :.



Working as a bellboy at a local hotel, also a skilled assassin

-Other Details-

-One time he got into a heated debate with Kaleo about which type of pocket knife is better, and Holton ended up writing an entire 5 paragraph essay on why butterfly knives are better than flipper knives. He won the argument. (I honestly don't know how and why I came up with this but we're just gonna roll with it)