
.: Overview :.

.: General Info :.

Name: Pierce
Pronunciation: Peer-s
Age: 27
Birthday: January 8th
Birthplace: Celius City
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6’5

.:Distinguishing features:.

Pierce is just your average male, slim and tall figure with big glasses and ocean green color

Current residence: Celius City
Current home: A small apartment in the city
Occupation: Bartender
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: Citizen 

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: N/A
Language: Common
Other languages known: He knows bits of French
Style of speaking: 

.: Personality :.

Pierce is known to be laid back and overall a chill dude. Always offering support and help to his customers.

Likes: Mixing and and creating new drink combinations, happy customers
Dislikes: His boss,
Hobbies/past times: Playing the Piano
Guilty pleasures: Being praised
Pet peeves: Rude customers
Personal goals: N/A
Religious values: Somewhat Religious
General intelligence: Not too smart, nor dumb
General sociability: Very social, especially with strangers

.: Relationships :.





Friends (currently)


Love interest

Holton - His boyfriend, he adores him to no end.

.: Combat :.

General Skills: He is a Mixologist
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful
Weapon(s) of choice: None

.: Abilities :.

None! He’s your average guy!

.: Fears :.


.: Health :.


.: History :.



He currently works at a bar in Celius City, having to deal with his boss

.: Other Details :.

-He constantly lives on caffeine
-Nobody knows what’s under his glasses. No don’t try and take them off.