🌸 ♡ Sakura D'Amore



3 years, 1 month ago


22 (10 May)
female (she/they)
ice cream cow
digital art streamer
sakura ❀
compassionate energetic spastic

Sakura the streamer! A sweet woman with a love for everything around her.

Streaming digital art is Sakura's main job! She streams a few hours a day, and does commissions. She also has her own online apparel store that she runs, with designs she did herself.


hemlocke springs

  • Strawberries
  • Cozy farming sims
  • J-Fashion
  • Indie music
  • Portrait photography
  • Frozen coffee
  • Sudden loud noises
  • Shooter games
  • Horror
  • Eyestraining colors
  • Spicy food
  • Public speaking
  • She is almost always wearing big boots, partially to make herself feel taller.
  • Her streaming name is the same as her real name! She felt lucky for not having to come up with something else.
  • She is a sanrio girlie, her favorite is the Little Twin Stars. She has a... large amount of merch.
  • Boba tea is her favorite drink, specifically strawberry milk tea with strawberry popping bubbles. Needless to say, she will eat anything strawberry flavored... maybe it's in her genes.
  • She's tried horror games many times, every time she screams and closes the game. Her siblings make fun of her for this!
  • Her heart earrings were a gift from her late mother. She always wears them!
  • Her father and 2 siblings watch her streams. They've been her supporters since the beginning.
  • Her art mostly consists of botanicals and sometimes the occasional fanart.
  • Her favorite shows are Sailor Moon (fav is Chibi Usa) and Regular Show (fav is Eileen). Emiliano introduced Sakura and Yoshino to SM when they were in high school.
  • She always has her heart earrings in!
  • Horns always stick out of her hair.
  • She has little pink freckles on her face and shoulders!
  • She is chubby! Please do not draw her skinny!

Sakura had a pretty run of the mill upbringing. She lived with both her parents, and was the youngest of two siblings. They always picked on each other, but it was purely out of love. They did the typical slamming each other with pillows and stealing each other's food. Sakuras oldest brother is the one who introduced her to art at a young age, and that kicked off her passion.

Sakura's parents loved all of their children very much. They often showered them with love, whether it be with impulse trips to McDonalds or random hugs throughout the day. However, when Sakura was about 5 years old, her mother showed them even more love than before (somehow that was possible.) This is because she knew she was dying. Sakura's mother found out she was terminally ill about a year after Sakura was born. She made it her goal to give her children a lifetime's worth of love in the short time she was able to have with them. Before her passing, when Sakura was 6 years old, she gave her a pair of heart earrings and said, "My flower, my beautiful flower...shower everyone with the love I have given you, always love, my sweetheart."

Growing Up

After her mother's passing, the family kept itself together the best they could. Sakura's father fell into a depression when she was about in high school, and ended up having to go to therapy. He was a bit more distant from his children because he didn't want them to see him like that. Emiliano, Sakura's oldest sibling, took the role of guardian while their father was in a bad mental spot. Sakura however pushed through to him and lived up to what her mother told her, always love. She supported her father alongside Yoshino and Emiliano.

Throughout high school, Sakura was honing her art skills and figuring out what she wanted to do with her life. She had no interest in going to college since she wanted to be a freelancer. Her work ethic was very good, so it was something she could handle. Her two siblings didn't go to college, either. Their parents never pushed them to, and always told them to do what felt right.


Sakura started streaming soon after she graduated from high school. It took about a year for her to start gaining traction, but her bubbly personality and optimistic outlook on life brought in a lot of people over time. This bridged into her also making an apparel store once she had enough money. It consisted of screenprinted shirts, bags, hats, and a lot of jewlery! Her siblings and friends are the models on her page. She loves having a diverse cast of people showing off her cute, pink clothing line.

Between streaming and running an online store, Sakura was finally able to move out of her dad's house at 20. Her family was very supportive and helped her through the process. They were watching her streams since the beginning and knew how pasisonate she was. She moved into a nice loft apartment not too far from her dad(her brothers had also moved) and still keeps in touch with all of them.


Kenz and Sakura do horror streams and ghost hunts together sometimes. Sakura hates it but likes hanging out with Kenz, and Sakura's reactions to various horror scares makes for good content


Sakura's best friend! They've known each other for a while and get along very well. A dynamic duo, if you will.


Tori watches her streams sometimes and has been a longtime supporter of her store. Sakura sometimes goes to Tori's club to hang out.

Always spread love, my flower
