


6 years, 10 months ago



"...You're wrong."

Name: Hyung Choe
Called: "That One Guy"
Gender: Male (they/them, he/him)
Age: 18
Race: Part-wizard, part-unknown
Origin: Unknown
Height: 157cm
Build: Underweight, despite the amount he eats.
Demeanor: Silent, deadpan
Birthday: September 24th

Hyung is a largely mysterious boy, never really feeling the need to reveal too much, or anything, of himself to anyone. His kingdom of origin is unknown, although he has made it clear that it is not Konigreich, and his specie is a mystery to many people.

He hardly talks, most of the time preferring to listen in to others and observe their mannerisms. If you ever catch a blip of his voice, consider yourself one of the lucky few. His Konigreinese and English is decent in quality, although it is very obvious he is not a native speaker. However, his angelic voice makes up for it. His way of pronouncing words makes each syllable sound like velvet, slipping gingerly between sounds, bringing a feeling of soothing calmness over all that hear it. Too bad he's so silent.

Currently, he studies both magical architecture and history full time, making others marvel at how he is able to handle such an intense workload. To be fair, he does not know either. He assumes it is because of how he's a quick study.











  • Geometry, calculus, algebra - any maths will do just fine for Hyung.
  • Enjoys eating food way too much. Will offer tutoring lessons in exchange for meal vouchers.
  • Luciel's company. Something about him makes Hyung feel less tense, and his way of speaking has a way of getting through Hyung's many barriers.
  • Research papers. They're methodical, organised and require no wishy-washy opinions on Hyung's part.
  • Disorganisation. Just the feeling of dread after finding out he has lost a paper kills Hyung.
  • Lack of work. Being such a workaholic means that, without projects, Hyung would be bored out of his mind. He needs to have a paper due, or a newly perfected spell, in order to maintain his sanity.
  • Incompetence. Don't be stupid, stupid.
  • Chatterboxes. Just because Hyung would rather listen does not mean he wants to always hear a stream of useless blabber, or meaningless small talk.

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Luciel Mayor

[ Close friend ] The two share a deep bond, of which Hyung has with no other. Luciel has managed to penetrate Hyung's defenses and settle himself in the deepest depths of the boy's heart. Luciel seemingly knows everything about the supposedly mysterious boy, and yet still continues to stay with him. For that, Hyung appreciates him deeply.


Aiko Kobayashi

[ Friend ] Originally, Aiko was extremely bothersome to Hyung, as she always inserted herself into his life in the most inconvenient moments. However, over time, her cheeriness began to grow on him, and soon he felt himself grow fond of her crazy nature. He can see that his tolerance of her makes her extremely happy, and so he sees no reason to break it now.


Soulleve Ziel

[ Teacher ] Hyung's teacher in history, and a mentor in his pursuit for knowledge. Hyung admires her greatly for her extreme intelligence, and the fact she keeps discouraging him from spending day and nights on his papers to her makes him feel as if she really does care for her students.
