


7 years, 4 months ago



"Oh dear, why so many stress marks Hyung?"

Name: Luciel Mayor
Called: One Eye
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Wizard
Origin: United
Height: 181cm
Build: Slightly underweight due to stress.
Demeanor: Peaceful, angelic
Birthday: April 14th

Luciel moved from his home kingdom of United to Konigreich to learn from the best, as he wished to serve his home country to the best of his abilities. His family continuously drilled through his head that peace and unity was the way, and that the only way to truly help others was to heal them. And so, he now pursues a career as a medic, while on the side proving to be very tech savvy and capable as a technician or engineer. He hopes that, even in times of war, he may be able to spread a smile to the people willing to sacrifice their life for their kingdom.

Although being quite aloof and kooky, people cannot help but be attracted to his down to earth attitude, and general pacifism. His peaceful protests for a cleaner environment and genuine care for all stewardship issues is refreshing amongst the over dramatic student body in Hexen, and his sincere aura is a relief to all those that surround themselves in it.











  • Nature. He's a big fan of hiking, camping and the likes, as being around flora just rejuvenates him so well.
  • Talking to anyone. He's naturally a very social person, and so craves constant conversation, even if it is one sided.
  • Riddles and mysteries. Nothing like a good puzzle to start your morning. Or afternoon. Or evening... Maybe even at night too? One past curfew couldn't hurt, right?
  • Fish and chips, as if he couldn't get any more British.
  • Assumptions, especially if they're false. Going about and correcting false thoughts takes much more effort and time that Luciel can give, and he therefore despises having to go out of his way to stop them.
  • Breaking rules, for obvious reasons.
  • Long term projects. His focus can only last on one task for so long before he feels like wondering onto new things.
  • His allergies. He has to be extremely careful around everything, as he can act up to a wide amount of things.

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Hyung Choe

[ Close friend ] The two share a deep bond, of which Luciel has with no other. Although Hyung is quiet and hardly talks, Luciel feels as if he is the one person that truly listens and understands the British boy. Luciel knows that, no matter what, he can trust his secret with the other, and that whatever he says will always stay between them.


Aiko Kobayashi

[ Close friend ] His ride or die when it comes to shopping. Never trust these two with a credit card, because it will most definitely be maxed out to its entirety by the end of an hour. Together, their clothes make up a good closet and a half. Aiko also thoroughly enjoys spoiling Luciel with sweets and baked goods, and sometimes even makes extra for him to give to Hyung.


Soulleve Ziel

[ Teacher ] Although he only really interacts with her when passing her in the halls, Luciel admires her strictness and how she upholds the rules of the Academy, and looks up to her in terms of improving his assertiveness. He hopes to one day become as domineering as she is, although maybe less intimidating.
