


3 years, 1 month ago


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Info Panel
Basic info _
Name Aariyeh
Race/species Arcade Machine
Gender Male
Birthday/Age  ??? (Mentally 35)
Powers Arm gun many powers
Job Commander, manager, and treasury
Sexuality N/A
World Machine Empire
Height8' 7"
Home Upper management
About _

One of the highest-ranking generals in the machine army he knows how to efficiently do anything and train whatever person he sees potential in.  While he is mostly known as a general he also has other jobs as well like manager and treasury. He is also one of the father figures for Arcade Machine as well. He is a British guy as well consuming British stuff most of the time (Though thankfully he won't force IDs on people). He also has a hobby of ballet dancing but shhh don't tell anyone...

  • Order
  •  neatness
  •  caring for creatures
  •  calm places
  •  fancy stuff (Mostly royal British stuff)
  •  balance and harmony
  •  disorder
  •  rude people
  •  disrespect
  •  ruining his stuff
  •  troubled people who cause a commotion
  •  ignorant people
Story _

Built a generation before Arcade Machine, Aariyeh is a hard worker who wanted to be a high-ranking machine and to serve his kind. He eventually climbed up the ranks and meet many friends along the way that made his life the best. He soon eventually got to do many things for the machine army and become a vital member of communication and tactics. The height of his career was seeing the next generation of his technology go into Arcade Machine and teaching him stuff when he was young.

Then the break-up happened. Aaiyeh and his partner broke up due to differing ideologies and while they are still on good terms they can't cooperate at all. This moment saddened Aaiyeh very much and while he is still a very happy man He is a different man compared to even several years ago. He now hopes Arcade Machine doesn't have to go through the same things and Aaiyeh hopes that his teachings can help Arcade Machine out a lot.


Aaiyeh came from a need to make Arcade from a lone Machine to a society full of Machines. I have experimented with other Machines in the past but Aaiyeh was one of the few that stuck out to me. I especially liked making Aaiyeh and Maxilian's dynamic as I find it fun to have the doofus and the straight man. Aaiyeh's name was originally undecided but then I looked at British baby names and found Aaiyeh. I picked the spelling Aaiyeh since I felt it most accurately represented his pronunciation.

Trivia _
  • He originally had a different hat but the goggles fit him better
  • He is more of a sniper class
  • He has a British accent
  • He has some PTSD which if you mention it to him he will explode on you
Design _

A slim Arcade Machine that is Green and has Yellow buttons along with a pair of Purple goggles that have special sightseeing abilities, He also has robotic tubular arms and legs that make him super tall and threatening. For his face, he has a screen that can not only display emotions but also show off images and stuff like that

GogglesB43BBC, 861C9A, 88509B 
Design notes
  • The tallest Arcade Machine (So far)
  • Goggles go on the marquee
  • Is a mix of candy cab and normal cab
Relationships _
Arcade Machine Trainee

"Aariyeh is one of my mentors who wants me to have a "prosperous" and "meaningful" life. While I get it, I don't really connect to him due to me feeling like he is more of a tool rather than a real person. Still, I respect him quite a bit and when we connect together we really connect. So yeah, he might be super upright but he still likes to have good fun once in a while."


iPod Assosiate

"In a world filled with chaos, I see Aariyeh as one of the most down-to-earth people I have seen. He is calm and realistic. Both of us had some really deep conversations in the past and even now. I would recommend him if you want to have serious discussions and plans."


Maxilian Partner in working

"Oh man, It's my partner Aariyeh! We have been friends since the elementary days. I am the cool builder while he is the serious planner. Pretty cool huh? We help each other a lot mostly in terms of finding the right parts for inventions. Even if I can be a lot for him I still feel like we are on amazing terms."


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