Tsubasa $25





Nickname Tsubasa
Age 150yo
Species Demon
Sexuality ? Unknown ?
Rank Lower 3
Style / Power Feather Blades
Height 6'3"ft
Build Slender and Elegant
Relationship status Single
Dom/sub Dom Top
Signifigant Other ---
Trade/Sale NFT

  • Quiet, Unnerving, Stoic, Stern, Obedient and Loyal, Cold and Unfeeling, Almost Emotionless
Notes for art

NSFW art Yes
Gore art Yes
  • Wings on the head are functional, not for flight but they do move.
  • His sleeves can be drawn longer!
  • He doesn't wear shoes.
  • His eyes all move in unison. 
  • He has large fangs in his mouth!
  • He has claws on his hands that match his toes!


  • Peace and Quiet
  • Praise and Gratitude for his duties
  • Tea
  • Natural springs 
  • Clear night skies and the moon
  • The finer things / Fancy stuff

  • Cloudy skies
  • Noise and clutter
  • Obnoxious individuals 
  • Insubordination
  • Having to get his robes / hands dirty
  • Being doubted or looked past
Combat / Moves / Abilities

  • Blood Demon Art: Feather Blades
    • He can summon forth seemingly endless feathers from the wings on his head. These feathers are as sharp as any blade but float as if weightless and can be remotely controlled him, able to be launched anywhere he can see with his 3 eyes. 
  • His eyes have a special use, his glare is able to freeze those with weak resolve and or souls in place with fear. Those who don't freeze he keeps away from him by keeping his feather blades between them and him. He is NOT a close range fighter. 
  • Often he stays in one place not moving much, sometimes not even standing. If he is made to fight close combat he does all he can to back away, hide, and dodge. 

  • He is quick and clean with his attacks, preferring not to have direct contact or blood spatter on him.
  • He feeds on humans only after he is able to ensure it will not be messy, often chopping them up before consuming. 
  • Birds are known to perch upon him, as he is very still and serene at most times. 
  • His glare when pointed is likely to make one freeze in place out of fear. He relies on intimidation. 
  • He's a huge fan of tea, and he's also a huge fan of being alone. Often he will haul himself up in places near any spring he can dip into by himself.
  • He doesn't wear shoes and rarely goes outside if it's not to bathe. He's very much a shut in.
  • He's very quiet, and rarely speaks. Most of his speaking comes in forms of responses or reports. 

-Human Life: The firstborn son to a wealthy royal family that was slaughtered by Muzan. He was in line to be the next head of the house, and thusly spared by Muzan with intentions of making him into a demon. He had extraordinary skill for learning things quickly and was an excellent archer and swordsman by that time. Already being a cold person who followed the lead of the strongest, he willingly chose to go along with Muzan.

-Demon Life / Current Life: Fiercely loyal, seeing himself as a weapon at Muzan's disposal, living a peaceful and immortal life thanks to him. One in which he is strong and of use. He ranked up over time through his good behavior, skipping up ranks despite not killing as many humans as the others may have. He has killed a few demon slayers of low ranking, which he holds with pride. Right now his goal is to please Muzan, and hopefully one day become an upper moon and be that vital to him and his plans.