✰ ~ Wishing Starr's Comments

hey! i just realised you like completely changed the original design which makes me a bit upset- could I have my character back? *only v1, the rest of the designs you can keep* I'm not very comfortable with you changing the entire design to something she is not :"))

Can I make them as a separate character and then send them over to you? I mean I can send this one to you I’d just have to delete everything and.


I wasn’t told I couldn’t heavily redesign the character when I received them, so had I been told I wouldn’t of took the character under my wing to begin with. Ultimately I’ll send them over, but Im just trying to show how I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to do this.

Sorry for upsetting you, moreso I had no idea upon receiving the character so :/ 

Yeah making them a separate character would work.

I'm sorry for not letting you know, I just haven't thought of making a tos yet.

I am really sorry about this ack

It’s cool ig.

I got a little hurt cause I thought that I’d have to rebuild my comfort chara but I really do get where you’re coming from. I’ll add an extra doodle of the og design as an apology for not using it, alright?

You really don't need to, it was my fault for not making a tos in the first place and I'm sorry I hurt you ( ;∀;)