INV Bless the Rains





"Beautiful day"
Range Trotter F#122
Lena x Mbalenhle
14 hh
Palomino bontebok roan colobus monkey overo
ee aa Crcr Cmcm fF Oo Brbr
3/5 Breeding Slots
  1. mine (mayamiko)
  2. mine (mhambi)
  3. slot swap?
  4. slot swap?
  5. slot swap?
Minenhle is a nurturing and devoted Range Trotter broodmare with a heart of gold. Her character is defined by her deep love for her foals and her unwavering dedication to motherhood. She possesses a combination of positive traits, including determination, patience, and a love for routine. While she may have her share of negative traits, such as occasional overprotectiveness and stubbornness, these aspects add depth to her character. Minenhle's character is one of strength, love, and adaptability, making her a cherished member of her herd and a central figure in the lives of those who know her.

gentle, intelligent, steady
  • Gentle and Motherly: Minenhle has a naturally gentle and nurturing disposition. She takes her role as a broodmare seriously and cares deeply for her foals. She's protective and patient, making sure her offspring are safe and well-cared for.
  • Intelligent and Curious: Minenhle is a clever horse, always eager to learn and explore her surroundings. She enjoys puzzles and games that challenge her mind. This intelligence also makes her an easy horse to train and work with.
  • Affectionate: Minenhle is affectionate towards her human caregivers and other horses in the stable. She loves nuzzling and enjoys human attention. Her affectionate nature makes her a joy to be around.
  • Calm and Steady: She possesses a calm and steady temperament, which is particularly beneficial when dealing with her foals or in stressful situations. Minenhle doesn't easily get flustered and can be relied upon to remain composed.
  • Social: She enjoys the company of other horses and is well-liked among the herd. Minenhle is not overly dominant or submissive but finds her place comfortably in the group dynamic.
  • Desire to succeed: Minenhle can be just as determined as her dam, Mbalenhle, and shows a strong desire to excel in harness racing. Although she isn't a champion yet, she is inspired by her dam's success in her respective discipline and fuelled by positive feedback from her humans.
distractable, overprotective
  • Easily distracted: Minenhle enjoys being social, observing her environment and interacting with other humans and horses. This can also make her easily distractable, as she is ever-curious and inquisitive about the goings on around her.
  • Tendency to hold grudges: Minenhle absolutely loves her humans but has a tendency to hold grudges or remember past negative experiences, which might affect her interactions with certain individuals or situations.
  • Overprotective: Her deep love for her foals can sometimes manifest as overprotectiveness, which may lead her to be overly cautious and anxious about their safety.
  • Humans: Minenhle loves her human caregivers and appreciates their attention and care. Scritches, grooming and baths, yes please!
  • Motherhood: Minenhle cherishes motherhood and takes great pride in nurturing and caring for her foals, as her mothers did her.
  • Stable routine: Minenhle finds comfort in the predictability of her stable routine; knowing when it's feeding time, when she'll be groomed, and when she can rest.
  • Mild weather: Give her the sun shining and a gentle breeze to lift her mane and invigorate her soul, and she's a happy mare.
  • Scenic trail rides: Minenhle enjoys long trail rides around the property and beyond, especially with Mbalenhle or Mhambi.
  • Disruptions: Minenhle gets unsettled and anxious if there's a sudden disruption to her routine or environment and needs reassurance.
  • Overly energetic horses: While she loves her foals, she might become frustrated with overly energetic youngsters who disrupt the peace of the pasture.
  • Crowded environments: Minenhle prefers open spaces to crowded or confined areas. She can get through short periods with the support of her handlers.
  • 100% purebred Safari mare, being the daughter of two Safari Event horses.
When Invergowrie heard about the Range Trotters' Safari Event Bree immediately went into preparation mode, hopeful that she'd find another foundation stallion or mare at the event to add to Invergowrie's fledgling Range Trotter breeding program alongside Mahou. The event not only boasted a selection of trotters with unique african safari markings but there were also foundation stallions available for stud. Bree had her eye on a few trotters at the event but couldn't resist a particular golden palomino mare, complete with a cute appaloosa blanket and colobus monkey markings, and had to submit a bid for her! Invergowrie's bid was successful and this mare would go on to be Minenhle's dam, Mbalenhle.

With african heritage on both of sides of her bloodlines — her other dam Lena is also a safari trotter and where Minenhle gets the beautiful bontebok roan dusting from on her shoulders — Minenhle's arrival was eagerly anticipated. In the days leading up to her arrival Mbalenhle was especially fussed over and the stable was abuzz with anticipation and speculation of whether or not the two mares would pass down their safari markings to the foal. Mbalenhle did everyone proud and, although it wasn't the easiest birth as it was her first, foaled a little palomino filly with both bontebok roan and colobus monkey markings. Minenhle had arrived!
STORY with Mhambi
The soft rays of the morning sun bathed the tranquil pasture where Minenhle, the gentle Range Trotter broodmare, stood. By her side, a spirited and inquisitive foal named Mhambi, whose show name, "Angel with a Handgun," hinted at the unique blend of elegance and spirit she possessed.

Mhambi had been born in the heart of spring, her arrival welcomed by the lush green surroundings and the melodious songs of the birds. From the very beginning, she displayed an independent spirit, her sparkling eyes taking in the world with curiosity.

Minenhle, ever the devoted mother, watched over her precious foal with unwavering love. Mhambi was her firstborn, and the bond between mother and daughter was unbreakable. The gentle broodmare couldn't help but dote on her spirited offspring.

As Mhambi took her tentative first steps, Minenhle was there, her nose nuzzling her foal's small form for reassurance. She guided Mhambi through the lush grass and introduced her to the other horses in the pasture, ensuring her daughter felt safe in the herd.

Mhambi's boundless energy and thirst for adventure led her to explore the pasture fearlessly. She pranced, leaped, and galloped with an infectious enthusiasm that brought a smile to Minenhle's face. The broodmare watched, her heart swelling with pride, as Mhambi displayed her athleticism and spirit.

Minenhle's calm and patient demeanor was a perfect complement to Mhambi's spirited nature. She taught her foal valuable life lessons, from understanding the herd hierarchy to the art of grazing and grooming. Mhambi, in turn, absorbed these lessons with a quick and eager mind.

But it was in the quiet moments that the bond between Minenhle and Mhambi truly shone. Under the shade of the old oak tree, they would stand together, Minenhle's warm presence a comforting anchor for her foal. Mhambi would nuzzle into her mother's soft coat, seeking warmth and security.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Mhambi continued to grow. Her spirit remained undiminished, her determination unwavering. Minenhle, the ever-loving mother, continued to dote on her, watching with pride as her foal blossomed into a charismatic and confident young horse.

In their tranquil pasture, amidst the gentle breeze and the chorus of nature, Minenhle and Mhambi shared a bond that would endure a lifetime. The spirited foal, "Angel with a Handgun," had been raised with love and guidance by her devoted mother, creating a foundation for a promising future filled with adventure and success.
Mayamiko really challenged sweet Minenhle when he was a young, headstrong colt. Although Minenhle did her best to nurture and gently guide him down the correct path in foalhood, teaching him important lessons about respecting the herd hierarchy and co-operating with others, Mayamiko's independent nature and stubborn tendencies was the cause of clashes between the two as he grew. Despite their differences, and Mayamiko always being keen to push his mother's boundaries, they still have a good relationship as adults. Minenhle will always love her baby boy.
Minenhle's bond with Mhambi, her spirited daughter, is one filled with affection and guidance. As a mother, Minenhle has been a source of comfort, wisdom, and nurturing for Mhambi during her formative years. While Mhambi's independent spirit has led her to explore the world, Minenhle remains a steadfast presence, offering support and love. Mhambi lifts Minenhle's spirits and reminds her to live a little - there is nothing better than seeing the two turned out and cantering into a sun-soaked afternoon together - and Minenhle's patient and gentle nature balances Mhambi's spirited energy when she needs it most.
Minenhle shares a unique relationship with Lena, her other mother. Although they haven't spent as much time together due to living in different stables now, Minenhle still treasures her relationship with Lena and looks back fondly on her foalhood. No matter how much time passes or how far apart they may be, Minenhle will always love both of her dams.
(birth) mother
While Minenhle has grown into an independent mare she continues to look up to her mother with deep affection and respect. Their relationship is marked by moments of mutual grooming, shared grazing, and a profound understanding. Mbalenhle's maternal instincts remain a source of comfort and guidance for Minenhle, making their bond unbreakable and heartwarming.