


3 years, 25 days ago


High School Student

Daniel Reyes Santos
Gender: MaleAge: 21Height: 5'6"
Pokemon Species: CinccinoBirthday: April 2Weight: 143 lbs
Archetype: Bully Hunter
Favorite Class: English
Family's Wealth: Higher than average

Daniel is a pretty chill guy to hang around. He's an independent kind of person, willing to help out in a group, but unlikely to take charge on things. He has a very long fuse, and is more likely to get a bit irritated than anything. He isn't much of a risk taker, and will generally avoid physical confrontation - partially cause he's not so strong. He's not above being tricksy or being mildly manipulative though. He’d rather tear his enemies apart with words. When all else fails, he's learned from example to just ignore the jerks for a while.

One of his cousins kept being a little out of it here and there, and he found out that both of them were apart of the DnD club. Deciding to check out why they seemed to almost dedicate themselves to that particular part of the school, Daniel decided to join in while just telling them he got interested in the game. It was all just the game that this place was about, right?

In the midst of trying to help bring him back to the club, Aeren offered Daniel a shiny stone to get "stronger". He knew that wasn't really how it worked, but appreciated the gesture and thought... Why not?

Practicing with making clothes and other potential props for things, or just a gift for someone.

Extras/Fun Facts
He's Riley and Urami's cousin and had once dated Wendy in the past but they're now just friends. Sometimes acts more like an older brother to his cousins. Also has a bandanna gifted by Lyon.