Flash Anime Studio



3 years, 4 months ago



Name: Flash Anime Studio

Aliases: FAS (Shortened Name), Flash

Gender: Female (she/they)

Age: Adult


  • Physical Description:
    •  She's a red flash logo with big, stylized anime eyes with golden irises. She wears a bluish-purple skirt and a pink bow. They sometimes carry a book and pencil to journal in.
  • Personality & Bio:
    • She mainly encompasses a peppy and enthusiastically cheerful persona, reminiscent of those associated with anime girl personality tropes. Most of her personality tropes are very stereotypical and usually very naive and not self-aware. Sometimes these personalities may vary depending on the day and may encompass different branches of personality tropes found in anime (e.g. certain dere tropes.). These are not frequent, and her main eccentric personality shines through for the most part. Everyone else struggles to tolerate their presence, as they can be very overbearing to deal with. Due to being constantly avoided, she is very clingy toward certain peers.
    • She often forms crushes with the contestants, though these come in short bursts and often wear off quickly. She reacts quite differently to each of her crushes and often struggles to get past basic interactions with them. She can be awkward, overbearing, and sometimes even quite ignorant. They try their best though, and are well-intentioned.
    • They claim to want to win the competition to make the perfect anime world environment, one where everyone will be very cheerful and nothing wrong happens. This seems like a very childish wish to everyone else, and many wonder whether she'd even be capable of winning. Either way, there's more than meets the anime eyes when it comes to this excitable contestant.