'Egg Salad' (Among Us AU)



1 year, 9 months ago


(Original Draft of this OC. He was heavily rewritten to the point that his character is pretty different. So this version of him has a dedicated section.)


Code-Name: Egg Salad

Impostor Alias: The Fungal Parasite/Parasite

Gender: Male

Age: N/A


  • Physical Description:
  • Crewmate: 
    • Green Astronaut covered by twisting stalks that wrap around his entire body. These stalks have leaves, flowers, and rarely fruit sticking out of them. On top of his helmet lays a novelty egg hat he finds cute. Covers his head with a protective helmet that has one-sided glass to hide his face. Wears a matching green backpack with his suit, and knee-high brown protective boots. Without his helmet, 'Egg Salad' has pointed brown hair that sticks up everywhere, with a matching brown beard surrounding his face. He also has bright green eyes that compliment his suit. 
  • Impostor:
    • The 'Parasite' is made up of a moss-like substance that has mainly grown around the original crewmate. The green stems that entangled the astronaut suit also now wrap around the body, as the host incorporates it into its plant structure. It also creates leaves that mimick the original person's features, such as hair, body type, etc. Two mushrooms spring out behind the head of the creature, as those are the main hosts controlling everything. There are also two bioluminescent mushrooms embedded into the moss at the facial area to resemble two glowing eyes. To kill those prey it has a sharp tongue-like branch that stabs victims.
  • Personality & Bio:
  • Crewmate:
    • 'Egg Salad' is a clumsy, unlucky, and a somewhat naive fellow. He's a botanist who experiments on plants, mainly trying to tamper with their genetic structure to make them habitable for other planets. He's not cautious with his experiments though, which can cause some slight issues. Even in general, Egg's a bit careless of his actions and doesn't take into account the long-term effects of them. This also plays with his curious, and initiative nature, as he's someone who takes problems head-on without looking for any warnings. This essentially means he's good at managing tasks efficiently, although sometimes sloppily, and tries to complete them as fast as possible. He has good short-term memory though and can recite what he has done in a short span of time if needed. He's a loner though, so his alibis may not be believed.
    • When he's faced with others, he can be a goof who likes to be a bit eccentric, mainly causing a ruckus for fun. Again, with his shortsighted thought-process, this can end with his unknowing downfall, not knowing that he may shoot himself in the foot (Or that someone else might). He's a bit ignorant towards other's opinions of him, rather he's more aware of others, and what he can deduct from them, as he sometimes takes charge in casting suspicion towards everyone else. As said before, due to his unlucky nature, this can backfire greatly upon him. His deduction and logic skills, make him a pretty respectable team-player, but he's not always 100% correct with them. Overall, a very interesting wild-card, and a contributing member of the group.  
  • Impostor:
    • The 'Parasite' started off as a small fungal growth, but then grew into an ecosystem latching and thriving off of the original crewmate's body. No longer in control, the original body now carries a host that desires to feed onto a rotting substance, which includes corpses, to give itself nutrients. It first latched onto 'Egg Salad' to suffocate it, growing rapidly around the body, draining nutrients off of his body and killing him in the process under excruciating pain. It preserves the brain for its cognitive abilities, making it somewhat sentient. And by 'somewhat' mainly the logical side of it, as it doesn't gain the emotional state of the brain. This means the 'parasite' can mimic the original victim's personality, voice, mannerisms, etc, all with the goal to continue to grow itself by killing and absorbing the nutrients of its prey. The irony is that this fungal parasite was originally created by the botanist himself.