


8 years, 10 months ago


Species Name: Makar
Pronunciantion: Muh-Karr [pl. Makar; adj. Makarean]
Genre: Fantasy / Modern Fantasy
Status: Closed - friends only


The Makar are a race of shapeshifting, giant warriors originating from the tropical island of Vakaro. They survive within a culture of power and combat, and are an incredibly proud, honorable society. They are experts in combat, weapons crafting, and have an intimate connection with wildlife, thanks to an ability to communicate with all living things.


In Makar culture, value is ranked by power and capability. The stronger a Makar, and the more capable a warrior a Makar, the higher they ascend in authority and respect. This stems from the Makar's beliefs that they are descended from Gods, who first inhabited Vakaro as a God's paradise many, many centuries ago. In a sense, the Makar as a people are continuously striving to prove (or achieve) their omnipotence--and inherit their godly rank as they deserve. 

  • The Makar are led by a single individual, determined through intense and often bloody battles between candidates, and observed by the public. Generally, it is the strongest Makar that inherits the throne, with others frequently challenging them in these matches for a chance at the crown. There is a limit to the number of challengers permitted within one cycle, so as to avoid too frequent a shift in authority. This ruler, when victorious, has virtually absolute power over all of Vakaro and their policies, and residents are expected to follow these decisions without question. The ruler of Makar is known as the King, regardless of gender.
  • While technically the majority of Makar are trained and militarized in the event of war with a foreign party, there is also a smaller, more localized military which specifically serves as the King's enforcers. They are called the King's 'Saber' (ex. Deysaht's Saber), and are an elite force trained by the King personally. The Saber enforce laws, maintain order, and capture criminals for punishment. 
  • While the majority of Makar are brutish warriors, there are a select few capable of a more varied set of skills. While generally weaker in physicality, these Makar have learned to manipulate the art of alchemy, and serve as Alchemists in the King's Saber. Alchemist Makar are required, by Makar law, to serve the King; however, there are some who struggle to hide their nature to avoid such a fate. It is lifelong servitude that comes with great revere among the Makar, at least.
  • The Makar are an incredibly discriminatory race toward those with disabilities, seeing them as virtually worthless if they are incapable of combat. Individuals born with sensory loss, or with a physical disfigurement, are unfortunately most likely destined for a life of persecution and loneliness. Some such Makar will find each other and live in small, secluded communes for companionship, limiting their exposure to the rest of Vakaro.


  • Build: 
    • The most notable trait of all Makar is their height. While not inordinately large compared to other humanoid species of their world, the Makar are considered 'giants' due to generally exceeding six feet at minimum. The range of heights within the Makar tends to be 6'6 - 8', with outliers to either end that are less common.
    • In build, most Makar are known to be broad, muscular, and sturdy--since, culturally, value is measured by strength, you find few Makar that do not care to maintain a superior physique.
    • There is not much difference in the builds of male and female Makar.
  • Skin Tone: 
    • Makar generally have darker complexions, ranging from an even tan to very dark. Pale skin is incredibly rare and would only be seen in cases of albinism or genetic illnesses. Pure-black skin is also almost unheard of, but possible, and has only been seen once or twice in history for unknown reasons. Makar believe these coal-skinned beings were sent to them from the gods, and are held in high regard. 
  • Hair Color & Style: 
    • In contrast, hair colors are fair--never darker than auburn or a sandy blonde, and as pale as white. There is little saturation in their hair colors, so a Makar would never have very bright blonde or red hair by nature.
    • Makar often have longer hair, worn down or tied back in various styles. In more recent times, some Makar have begun wearing their hair shorter, but it is virtually unheard of to see a Makar with a shaven head, or very short hair. Braids, twists, and locs are common among Makar as well, as well as decorating hair with accessories like beads, feathers, and jewelry. 
    • Body hair is quite pronounced, especially for male Makar, but also noticable on females. There is no stigma against body hair, and anyone who shaved their bodies would likely be equated to a weird dolphin wannabe. 
    • Facial hair is mostly only seen on males, to varying degrees and styles. Facial hair is often miticulously styled, whether in unique patterns, or just finely maintained. 
  • Eye Color: 
    • As far as eye colors go, however, color is particularly bright: Vibrant icy blues, lime green, piercing yellow or gold. Red and purple have also been seen, but less commonly. Dark-colored or black eyes are only seen in instances of illness or genetic defect, and is looked down upon considerably. Some Makar with dark eyes will even undergo an excruciating process of 'burning' their retinas, sacrificing considerable vision for paler/brighter eyes. 
  • Scars & Markings: 
    • Makar wear scars with pride. While it would be viewed as pathetic or deceitful to scar oneself to appear more 'battle-worn', those scars gained in combat, during pilgrimages, or through general life experiences are worn proudly--as it shows all that one has overcome. Since a Makar is expected never to turn down a challenge, older Makar or those of higher esteem are often littered in scars. A common insult among the Makar is "Skifuuk", meaning one who falsely scars themselves--someone worse or even less than a coward.
    • Tattoos, done through ink or burning, are less common with older generations of the Makar, but are becoming increasingly popular more recently with younger generations. They are generally worn to illustrate an accomplishment, or pride in one's lineage. Others will adorn themselves in these tattoos simply to appear more intimidating. 
    • Body Paint is worn only during sacred ceremonies, holidays, and festivals. It varies depending on the meaning of that timeframe, but is most prominent during a Makar's coming of age ceremony. 
  • Aging: 
    • While the average lifespan of Makar is often skewed by mortality rates, the natural lifespan for a Makar can range from 100-150 years. Aging is slowed, with a Makar remaining 'battle-ready' and physically fit well into their later years. It is only within 10 or so years of their death that a Makar begins to deteriorate, losing strength and faculty until they ultimately die. Most Makar never intend to reach old age, as it is considered a far more respectable death to die in battle.

Key Points

  • Ancient Times: The current leader of Vakaro is Deysaht--one of the few ever-seen coal-skinned Makar, and a very powerful man. He can take on the following forms: Dire Wolf, Rhinocerus, Bison, Bearded Vulture, Jackal. He is a proud, militaristic, but fair man, and seeks to expand the Makar territory.
  • Modern Times: The current leader of Vakaro is Hayken--descendent of Deysaht. He is a young, power-hungry tyrant who believes in strict leadership, and conservative views that best suit his personal intentions. He can take on the following forms: Puma, Lion, Bengal Tiger, Cheetah, Black Leopard.
  • There are many species of animals and wildlife that exist on and around Vakaro, that do not exist, or are believed extinct, in the rest of the world. This includes, but is not limited to, Mammoths, Sabertooth Tigers, and various birds of prey. 
  • Due to the quality of life and advancement in technology, the Makar of modern times are on average much stronger than those in ancient times. (See abilites for more information). Makar technology is derived from organic materials, and based heavily on that of their aquatic neighbors, the Tanapurians. As a result, much of their technology uses Tanapium crystal. 
  • While frowned upon and denied in ancient times, homosexuality is considered a criminal offense in modern times, by way of King Hayken's order. Ironically, it is a well known secret that Hayken himself indulges frequently in male partners. On the contrary, due to a general lack of gender roles among the Makar, gender fluidity is common and normal. In fact, as many of their gods are agender, the Makar commonly recognize a third gender, 'Enehr', aka agender.

What is the treatment of transgender Makar? How does this reflect on sexuality?
--- As gender is incredibly fluid in Makar culture, the term 'transgender' does not exist. Makar have always accepted the concept of gender fluidity and an individual is simply accepted as whatever gender they identify as. Whether or not this identity changes over time, an individual Makar is not judged or criticized for identifying one way or another, or later discovering something different. However, due to rather strict rules regarding sexuality, a trans Makar is expected to only engage sexually/romantically with the opposite gender to which they identify. For example, a transgender male Makar would only be expected to engage with female Makar. Agender Makar are expected to determine one gender they are attracted to, rather than having the freedom to engage with whomever they please. Attraction toward agender Makar, at least, is permitted by any gender, and is not considered an illegal act.

Where is Vakaro located?
--- For information about the location of Vakaro, and details about the island itself, please refer to Vakaro's Profile.

Are Makar religious? What do they believe in?
--- Society has always fluctuated in their degree of religious devotion, dependent on leadership primarily. As a people, it is believed that they are descended from gods. In their faith, and in their history, it is claimed that Vakaro was once a god's paradise on Earth; a place of leisure and indulgence. Over time, these gods gave birth to the first Makar, who could best be compared to demi-gods--possessing a fraction of their creator's power. A great storm, known as Rekahem, was said to coax the gods from the island, returning them to the heavens and leaving the Makar to fend for themselves and rebuild in the wake of this devastating storm.
The Makar are a polytheistic culture, believing in dozens of gods. While there is technically no real place of worship that Makar attend, or an expectation for regular worship, there are temples where ceremonies occur. These ceremonies, including a Makar's coming of age, are led by the High Priests, elected by the King and overseeing all ceremony in a given town or city.
Makar also celebrate various holidays throughout the year, primarily significant events in their history, or days significant to a particular god. While it is generally expected that Makar believe in the origins of their kind, the level of conservatism and focus on faith in their culture varies depending on their leadership. Frequently, an acting King will twist their faith to their advantage, to better support and enforce their law.

Who are the Gods that Makar believe in?
--- The Makar believe in dozens of gods, including (but not limited to) some of the following:
KREDUS - Male god of the Volcano, created Vakaro alongside his mate, Asmodan.
ASMODAN - Enehr god of earth & foundation, created Vakaro alongside their mate, Kredus.
DEYSAHT - Male god of fire and arms, blesses all weaponry.
YLLNED - Female god of oceans, protects Vakaro from enemies & storms.
ENKH - Two gods (male and enehr) sharing one consciousness, gods of death and storms--believed angered during difficult storm season, but merciful to those that have died valiantly in battle.
ARYSTOLE - Enehr god of order, King of the gods and enforcer of law and justice. Believed to 'choose', by fate, Vakaro's Kings.

It is not uncommon for Makar to name their children after gods. There are many more they believe in, ranging in significance.

What is the technology like in modern Vakaro?
--- The technology of Vakaro in modern times is equivalent, if not beyond, that of modern humans. Advancements have been made primarily thanks to partnership with the Tanapurians, using Tanapium crystal (powerfully strong and store energy) and Tanapium alloys to better enforce their own tech. Guns are now seen frequently among Makar warriors, but they are also still partial to swords and bows--only now enhanced with energy capabilities and more resilient materials. Architecture has also advanced, with their larger cities sporting high skyscrapers similar to those in the human world, but adapting to (rather than destroying) the wildlife of the island. It is not uncommon to find 30-story buildings built around a 400 year old tree, or built into the side of a cliff.
Transportation has also advanced, borrowing Tanapura's teleportation technology, allowing for instantaneous travel throughout the island. They also make use of motored ships, jets, and vehicles like trains/subways. Cars/trucks are not common, save for instances of transport. Medicine is also advanced, about at level with human capability.

Since Makar are invulnerable and have thicker skin, how does this affect their ability to touch/feel?
--- While Makar are not as acutely sensitive to sensation as a human would be (say, feeling a soft breeze against their skin), their ability to feel is still sensitive enough to feel touch, pain, or sexual stimuli. Their thick skin mostly renders them more invulnerable to damage, and pain is much more difficult to inflict. A Makar would never feel a pin prick, or a pinch (or at least would not receive pain from it). Makar, generally, are not ticklish.


  • Makar, by nature, are incredible strong, durable, and resilient.
    Capable of lifting up to ~1-10 tons, give or take, depending on age and strength level.
    Also tend to adapt to the traits of their animal forms, in terms of physical speed, brute strength, and agility.
    Makar have keen senses, primarily sight and sound, at about twice the capability of a human.
  • Makar, by nature, are incredible strong, durable, and resilient.
  • Capable of lifting ~50-60 tons, depending on age and strength level. 
  • See 'Ancient Times' for more.
  • A unique skill of the Makar is their ability to take on the physical form of any living creature (not including plant-life). They must spend extended time with this animal, which allows them to take on that form at will.
  • A Makar's animal form is proportionally larger than the animal's natural state, first matching a Makar's body mass (for smaller creatures), and then gaining an additional percentage of size. The rate is ~15-25%, depending on the animal.
  • A Makar can take on anywhere from 2-5 forms, depending on how powerful they are, or are focused they are on mastering forms. Trying to learn too many forms can result in the mind being overwhelmed by its feral passengers, and virtually going mad.
(See 'Ancient Times' for more.)                          
Nature Connection
  • Makar, for whatever reason, are capable of communicating with any living thing, including flora. While with plantlife it is more of a sensory connection, Makar can actually maintain conversation and relationships with animals, which allows for some level of advantage when mastering forms. 
  • This skill extends to language, when encountering sentient beings or other races. In a sense, Makar are omni-linguistic, capable of learning any language, but it may take some time of hearing a new language they've never encountered before, before they can speak it fluently themselves. 
(See 'Ancient Times' for more.)
  • Makar generally excell in their weapon-mastery and combat skills, training from a young age to be adept warriors. They study in various forms of weaponry, but primarily heavier styles--swords, axes, etc. They are also commonly trained in a bow and arrow for hunting. 
  • Alchemist Makar tend to be less skilled in physicality and shapeshifting, but make up for it in their alchemical abilities; including spell-casting, matter alterations, and the study of magics. 
  • Makar generally excell in their weapon-mastery and combat skills, training from a young age to be adept warriors. They study in various forms of weaponry, as well as technology-enhanced artillery, including guns, swords, crossbows, and more.
  • Alchemist Makar tend to be less skilled in physicality and shapeshifting, but make up for it in their alchemical abilities; including spell-casting, matter alterations, and the study of magics. They are among the few Makar permitted legally to leave Vakaro, to study with the Tanapurian ancients.

Notable Makar

Dalain (A)Arys (M)Sveyn (M)Meruko (A)Omkaer (A)Malekan (M)    

 *A = Ancient Times. M= Modern Times.