Aos (Saintspell)



2 years, 4 months ago



Appears 24
Oc Playlist
He/Him | They/Them
Relationship Single Occupation Various Zodiac Pisces


Friendly | Empathetic | Caring | Transparent | Docile | Gullible

This demon's appearance might just explain it all. His personality displays traits of virtue of seeing others in equal value, and having an open-minded perspective on the various narratives. It is quite a miracle that Aos developed a high sense of empathy despite having a past that never taught such trait. Often smiling and laughing about, Aos also likes to give off a warm, cheerful aura to others, a constant goal for him to learn how to be nice with others. However, Aos innocent judgement within others can make him quite gullible, naive to believe one’s words and giving them too much faith. Behind his smile lies fear and anxiety that clouds his mind, but never had such opportunities to share until now. His habit still stands in complying orders, and often obeying others, either for the best or worse, a trait that was a necessity from his past. His life can mean nothing to him.


Aos was too young to ever remember his parents briefly raising him for a short while, but due to complications, he was put into foster care as an infant. That meant Aos was constantly moving around households through his childhood, being raised with different foster parents as he grew up. It was emotionally difficult; Aos had trouble establishing friendships in school or was homeschooled by some foster parents. Yet, he was never fazed. He had hope whenever he entered into a new home. While transitioning into his teens, he thought that it would be best that he would enlist in the military as he would not need to worry about food and shelter.

He was quite good in combat, excelled in physical training and was one of the best in that generation. After his service he was easily able to find jobs that needed his physical strength. However, these employers were shady and not the most ethical. Even then, he did not ask for much; obeying orders was the best he could do, and employers took advantage of it. Aos never thought far in his future, he kept accepting missions and tasks to occupy his life; and never had the opportunity to live for himself. His assignments got more dangerous the more he succeeded, and it was to a point that his life would be gambled in order to accomplish his goals. It did not matter at this point; these missions gave him a purpose to live.

His death was ironic, despite accomplishing the suicide mission he was not able to make it alive, walking into a crossfire near the end. It was conflicting, wanting to accept death but also wanting to live.

He woke up, resurrected in the world of Inferna. A second chance was something he had never thought of. His body was purged from scars and injuries, yet, the memories of his past never left his mind; his sins will never be forgotten. It did not take too long for him to adjust to the world, although of course, it was surprising that magic existed all along. Training his newfound powers was a normal routine to him, sentimental on the days he was under the military service. As time progressed, he was one of the selected Nehpilim to attend Saint Spell but he was afraid. Entering a new world with people he wouldn’t know if they will accept him or not. However, it’s been a while since he also felt hopeful, entering a new setting.
