Mimic Cookie



3 years, 29 days ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Unknown
Nicknames/Aliases/Titles: Mimic Cookie, The Stranger, The Not-Them
Age: Timeless
Gender: Agender (typically male-presenting, they/he)
Orientation: Demisexual, Panromantic
Species: Cookie…?
Birthday: March 6th
Occupation: None
Powers: Shapeshifting, voice mimicry
Living Family: Rue Cookie (wife), Inkblot Cookie (child), Hunt Cookie (brother), Boneset Cookie (sister-in-law), Cassia Cookie (sister-in-law), Cardamom Cookie (sister-in-law), Snakeroot Cookie (adopted nephew), Ossein Cookie (brother), Physalis Cookie (sister-in-law), Belladonna Cookie (niece), Dark Roast Cookie (sister), Cappuccino Cookie (brother-in-law), Macchiato Cookie (nephew), Peckii Cookie (sister), Rotten Cookie (sister-in-law), Bone Rose Cookie (niece), Fossil Cookie (sister), Golden Scarab Cookie (brother-in-law), Gladiolas Cookie (brother), Black Raspberry Cookie (sister-in-law), Sword Lily Cookie (niece), Creme Swirl Cookie (sister), Bitcrush Cookie (sister-in-law), Confetti Cookie (niece), Mist Cookie (sister), Hoarfrost Cookie (brother-in-law), Swansong Cookie (nephew), Seafoam Cookie (niece), Stormcloud Cookie (niece), Silky Cookie (sister), Moonflower Cookie (sister-in-law), Archivist Cookie (brother), Blueberry Acai Cookie (sister-in-law), Quill Cookie (nephew), Pennybell Cookie (niece), Angora Cookie (brother), Galaxy Smoothie Cookie (sister-in-law), Starsweet Cookie (niece?? nephew??), Candelabra Cookie (sister), Roti Canai Cookie (brother-in-law), Candlelight Cookie (nephew), Candlewick Cookie (niece), Mold Cookie (sister), Myca Cookie (brother-in-law), Honeycomb Cookie (niece), Malady Cookie (niece), Destiny Cookie (sister), Polarity Cookie (brother)
Hometown: N/A
Current Residence: -tba-

Physical Characteristics

Height: Varies (6’4” in his default form)
Body: Grey
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black with white pupils
Body Type: Varies/morphable, somewhat slender by default
Distinguishing Marks: None
Left or Right-Handed: Ambidextrous
Quirks/Habits: Tends to be pretty animated when he talks
Voice/Voiceclaim: The Curious Cat (Robbie Daymond) - RWBY

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: He IS a physical abnormality
Blood Type: ???
Disorders: None
Other Notes: -tba-

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: Many
Positive Traits: Friendly (though it’s only genuine sometimes...), polite, cheerful
Neutral Traits: Cunning, mischievous
Negative Traits: Manipulative, sadistic, vindictive
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Optimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Fears: Being “known”
Secrets: -tba-


General Likes: Toying with people, “evil carnival” aesthetics, theater/musicals, old-timey music and films, dolls, taxidermy, puppetry, dramatic novels, vinyl records
General Dislikes: Not being taken seriously, losing out on “prey”, being alone, confusing technology, disguises slipping before they’re ready, hot weather, being interrupted or talked over
Animal: Cephalopods
Color: Purple
Food: -tba-
Drink: Ginger ale
Music Genre: Electroswing
Season: Winter
Flower: Bat orchids


Best Friend(s): Creme Swirl
Other Friends: Shortcake Doll, more tba
Acquaintances: -tba-
Significant Other(s): Rue
Rivals: Gladiolas, Archivist (somewhat)
Enemies: -tba-
Pets: None/tba


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Pisces sun, Scorpio moon
Celtic Tree Sign: Ash
Birthstone: Bloodstone
Birth Flower: Daffodil/Jonquil
Element: Air
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
PKMN Nature: Impish
Alignment: Neutral Evil

  • Mimic’s various disguises tend to fall apart when he gets emotional.
  • Mimic is one of the few Entities who’s friendly towards Destiny and Polarity.
  • Mimic cannibalizes Cookies fairly regularly. The bodies of those he’s personally body-snatched have to go somewhere…
  • Of all his siblings, Mimic is closest with Creme Swirl, and they’re often considered the “twins” of the Entities, despite being “born” a few centuries apart.
  • Mimic always wears body-concealing clothing like long coats and scarves not matter the season in order to hide that his body is always a little fucked up underneath.
  • Mimic’s whole aesthetic used to be more overtly ‘horror-circus’, but as the centuries stretched on, he gradually switched to a ‘horror-noir’ type of deal, mostly because mortals weren’t as frightened by his old methods anymore. That said, The Unknowing still very much has ‘evil carnival’ elements to it, and he has a soft spot for the aesthetic in general.
  • Mimic - or at least, one of his Avatars - actually aired a children's program in the past. It had only one episode, and it essentially walked the children through creating dangerous tulpas. None of these children, or their families, were ever heard from again.
  • Mimic has a love-hate relationship with Halloween. On one hand, he doesn’t need to spend as much energy on camouflaging among the general populace, but on the other hand, people aren’t as scared by his usual shtick and he gets frustrated.
  • Mimic was almost arrested by Almond once, with the latter not knowing who or what he was arresting.


FAKE TYPE - Fake!Fake!Fake!
Will Wood and the Tapeworms - The Song with Five Names a.k.a Soapbox Tao a.k.a Checkmate Atheists! a.k.a Neospace Government a.k.a You Can Never Know
Madame Macabre - Painted Smile