Fossil Cookie



2 years, 6 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Neolith Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases/Titles: The Buried, Fossil Cookie, The Cynosure, Choke
Age: Unfathomable
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Bisexual (prefers men)
Species: Cookie…?
Birthday: June 7th
Occupation: None
Powers: Geomancy, crystallokinesis, cave warping
Living Family: Golden Scarab Cookie (husband), Petrichor Cookie (daughter), Hunt Cookie (brother), Boneset Cookie (sister-in-law), Cassia Cookie (sister-in-law), Cardamom Cookie (sister-in-law), Snakeroot Cookie (adopted nephew), Skullcap Cookie (niece), Ossein Cookie (brother), Physalis Cookie (sister-in-law), Belladonna Cookie (niece), Dark Roast Cookie (sister), Cappuccino Cookie (brother-in-law), Macchiato Cookie (nephew), Peckii Cookie (sister), Rotten Cookie (sister-in-law), Bone Rose Cookie (niece),Gladiolas Cookie (brother), Black Raspberry Cookie (sister-in-law), Sword Lily Cookie (niece), Mimic Cookie (sibling), Rue Cookie (sister-in-law), Inkblot Cookie (nephew), Creme Swirl Cookie (sister), Bitcrush Cookie (sister-in-law), Confetti Cookie (niece), Mist Cookie (sister), Hoarfrost Cookie (brother-in-law), Swansong Cookie (nephew), Seafoam Cookie (niece), Stormcloud Cookie (niece), Silky Cookie (sister), Moonflower Cookie (sister-in-law), Archivist Cookie (brother), Blueberry Acai Cookie (sister-in-law), Quill Cookie (nephew), Pennybell Cookie (niece), Angora Cookie (brother), Galaxy Smoothie Cookie (sister-in-law), Starsweet Cookie (niece?? nephew??), Candelabra Cookie (sister), Roti Canai Cookie (brother-in-law), Candlelight Cookie (nephew), Candlewick Cookie (niece), Mold Cookie (sister), Myca Cookie (brother-in-law), Honeycomb Cookie (niece), Malady Cookie (niece), Destiny Cookie (sister), Polarity Cookie (brother)
Hometown: None
Current Residence: Underground

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6’7”
Body: Tan
Hair: Shades of dark brown
Eyes: N/A
Body Type: Built like a brick wall, densely muscled with a bit of pudge in places.
Distinguishing Marks: A few scars across her body, as well as some stretch marks here and there.
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: Raking her claws against things – usually the ground – when annoyed.
Voice/Voiceclaim: Tba, very deep and gravelly, probably easy to mistake for a man

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: Possesses massive mole-like claws, as well as a tail. She also lacks eyes, only having smooth, shiny scar tissue where they should be.
Blood Type: ???
Disorders: None
Other Notes: None

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English, probably others
Positive Traits: Laid back, protective, patient
Neutral Traits: Quiet, stubborn, mellow, humble
Negative Traits: Cold, gruff, lazy
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Being vulnerable (physically or mentally)
Secrets: None/tba


General Likes: Caves, tunneling, the sound of rain, crystals, naps, her hair being braided/played with, wind chimes, physical affection
General Dislikes: Heights, open spaces, strong scents that burn her nose, speaking at length, soap (unless it’s unscented), ice, sunburn, loud noises, sterile environments
Animal: Moles and rabbits
Color: N/A
Food: Cookie meat (as well as insects and worms)
Drink: Mineral water
Music Genre: Ambient
Season: Autumn
Flower: Sweet peas (she can't see them but she likes how they smell)


Best Friend(s): Golden Scarab
Other Friends: -tba-
Acquaintances: -tba-
Significant Other(s): Golden Scarab
Rivals: Angora
Enemies: -tba-
Pets: None/tba


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Gemini sun, Taurus moon
Celtic Tree Sign: Hawthorn
Birthstone: Alexandrite
Birth Flower: Rose/Honeysuckle
Element: Earth
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
PKMN Nature: Hardy
Alignment: Neutral evil

  • Since Fossil has no eyes, she recognizes people through their other senses; their scent, their voice, even their gait as they walk.
  • Fossil and Gladiolas are fairly closely matched in terms of raw physical strength, and have even wrestled a few times before. So far, they’ve ended in draws.
  • As Fossil doesn’t like to talk much, she speaks in short, terse sentences most of the time.


Billie Eilish - bury a friend
Dirt Poor Robins - Behold the Grave
Rob Cantor - I'm Gonna Win
Everything Everything - Undrowned