Dragon Koin



9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info








Koi Fish - Eastern Dragon




"Insert a quote here."

  • AGE Unknown
  • GENDER Unknown
  • SPECIES Unknown
  • CUTIE MARK Unknown
  • PETS Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Unknown

Talk about your character here. This box will not scroll. Duis dictum, nunc in porta facilisis, orci arcu rhoncus sapien, eu convallis leo velit sed urna. Proin mattis sed lacus id varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus lobortis venenatis dictum. Phasellus a lobortis mi, a tincidunt lacus. Aenean nec feugiat dui. Nullam in luctus nisl. Ut ut velit scelerisque, convallis felis et, posuere ante. In a quam pulvinar, mattis ex sed, lacinia lorem. Quisque venenatis nisl sem, sed commodo eros consequat eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer egestas iaculis felis sed pretium. Duis cursus mi ut nisi luctus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Morbi pretium mi nec nunc pharetra viverra. Etiam lacinia eget lectus nec egestas. Suspendisse ut est elit. Integer dictum sem est, vitae dapibus nibh blandit sed. Ut vehicula lorem eget lorem tincidunt, sed gravida metus tristique. Proin id dapibus ligula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec dictum varius ex sit amet porttitor. Sed quis elementum sem, nec luctus nisi.

Code by AviCode

Koin use to spend every day in the same pond swimming in endless circles. He could hear the birds talk of new places, places he would never see. How his pond frustrated him so. Water came, water gone, he spent days watching the flow. He practiced jumping from his pond little by little regardless of the dangers that awaited him out of the water. Each him he jumped a little higher, saw a little more. The green grass, the changing leaves, and the biggest bluest sky he had ever seen. How he wanted to defy everything and touch it.

Jumping over and over had built up his strength, his courage, even his recklessness. Finally he leaped with all his might up the waterfall and just kept swimming up stream. He was stopped every once in a while by a new obstacle. A fallen log, a higher fall, bridges of rocks. He wouldn't let anything stop him from reaching the head waters. The spring where it all started. It took him a very long time, exhausting and nearly heart breaking. He missed his gentle little pond, his friends who swam with him, he even missed the chattering birds over him.

But he did it, even with all his doubts, he made it. Upon making it to the glorious spring where his river started he was granted a wish, a wish he didn't even know he had. The little koi fish was transformed into a dragon! For his dedication and efforts, he now could fly where ever he wanted.

Koin now spends his time exploring everything, meeting everyone he can find. He still stops in at his pond to say hello to his little finned friends and even the birds who nest there. But now he uses his time to help cheer on others and motivate them to achieve their dreams too.