Monica Garcia



3 years, 1 month ago



Monica - Arcadia Oaks Town Mayor
Monica Garcia
Arcadia Oaks, California
40 years old
5'8" (173 cm)
Family, smoothies
New York

Town Mayor
Female - She/Her
Married to Hector
The straight girl that the gays love.

Where From

D&D Tales of Arcadia (Homebrew session)

Family & Home life


Monica met her greatest friend, Ukiel and her husband, Hector at the local college in Arcadia Oaks. Years later Monica ended up getting married to Hector due to Ukiel's help playing cupid for them. While she was working at Arcadia Oaks town hall, she had a daughter named Veronica. A few years later she decided to take a term off from being town mayor to help raise her second child and son, Adrien. These two children may be a handful to her but is forever thankful that Hector and Ukiel are there. Ukiel was there for Monica throughout the years and the two eventually became room mates to neighbors at Arcadia Oaks. Now Monica will try to always be there for Ukiel.

Design Details

height: 5'8" (173 cm)
eye color: Violet/Amethyst
job: Arcadia Oak's Mayor
hair color: Amber Brown
  • She has a bob cut with naturally poofy hair
  • She gets her rare purple eyes from her ancestors
  • Monica is so used to wearing office clothes that she even wears them on the daily as a habit now

Trust in Others

Fun Facts

↳ Unbenounced to her, her son was swapped with a changling.

↳ Est rutrum nibh nostra massa arcu proin, per convallis hendrerit.

She always has a nack of getting into and out of trouble

This mother-daughter relationship has always been loving and rocky. With a mix of over protectivness towards her daughter. Although she wants to be a strict mother, Ukiel is there to help give the poor girl some freedom. However, if Monica finds out her daughter is dating anyone, she will not hold back.

╢Best Friend/Neighbor╟
My roommate, my sibling, my neighbor, my greatest friend. What would I do without them

Ukiel is practically their sibling and she trusts them with her life! They’ve never met anyone that’s so similar, yet so different to her. While she gets annoyed by Ukiel’s laid-back attitude, she is always grateful when Ukiel pulls Monica away from their responsibilities and tasks to relax and have some fun.

He's an idiot... but he's my idiot... for life.

Hector and Monica go way back to college where they met in a shared class. Monica got to know Hector and learn more about him. As the months passed and with a little shove from Ukiel, Monica got the courage to ask the dumb oaf out on a date. Since then they've been together for several years, now raising two bundles of joy.

He's weird but seems like a pretty nice guy... but if he dares harm Ukiel I will not hesitate to attack

Shinichi is quite the mysterious person and doesn’t know that much about them, but her interest in him is purely for the sake for her best friend. Monica knows Ukiel better that they know themself and knows when her best friend needs someone to make them feel as amazing as Ukiel is. Monica doesn’t know that much about Shinichi, but knows enough to know that he is good enough for her bestie.