Date Masamune



2 years, 10 months ago



Kindness ✛ Empathy ✛ Dedication
Date Masamune
Swift Wind
3000 yrs
Cisgender Male

Eastern Dragon
Arcadia Oaks, California
Love is like wind, you can't always see it- but trust that it's always there


Masamune's Story

Act 1

Date Masamune, Swift Wind- born long ago before even the first shogunate was established, he has been Japan’s sole protector for nearly 3000 years, he sequestered himself near modern day Kyoto to try and advise the leaders of Japan, he has had many names Seiryuu, Hojo Tokimasa (for a small amount of time), Go Shirakawa (for the rest of the time period), and Meiji.

Act 2

His favorite namesake was Date Masamune and the one he took for himself, he was only called the Swift Wind before hand. Joining the Council of Good Dragons a couple decades after its inception, he has been trying to improve Japan and the welfare of its people for much of his lifetime.

He was the first to see and meet Ukiel, at first thought wanted to eliminate them but observed them and started to learn about them, he fell in love slowly over nearly 100 years, he slowly helped Ukiel and tried countless times to save Ukiel and get them to join the council of Good Dragons.

Act 3

He briefly had to disappear to take the persona of Meiji and during that time lost contact with Ukiel, he pleaded and begged the rest of the council, who told him that he was a fool, he promised them that Ukiel could improve and promised that he would watch over them, try to guide them and hopefully they could help remove the enchantments on Ukiel to restore them to their true form.

Act 4

After reading Detective Conan, A Japanese Manga, he took the name of the main protagonist so that he would not trigger any memories for Ukiel who had amnesia, disappointed again he watched as they fell into old patterns, until he was able to surreptitiously lead them to people who would love and care for them and has been watching over them ever since.


height: 6'0"
eyes: Berry Blue
hair color: Black
build: Thin/ Toned frame
occupation: Artist
skin color: Pinkish skin with pale overtones
  • Shinichi has charcoal black hair with bangs swwept over his eyes
  • A baby blue button down shirt that is tucked in with sleeves rolled up just beneath the elbows
  • Brown belt with a gold belt buckle and tan ankle boots
  • Pants that are rooled up at the cuffs


Fun Facts

Goes by many different names

↳ Gravida montes dis odio dapibus elit vulputate turpis egestas suscipit.

↳ Est rutrum nibh nostra massa arcu proin, per convallis hendrerit.

Adventure loving and understanding, but lashes out when they feel cornered

Ukiel and Shinichi have a very complicated past and have known eachother for a long time. Shinichi fully knows about everything that Ukiel has done, but stays with them anyway. Shinichi fully does not judge Ukiel and sees how beautiful their soul is, even when Ukiel doesn't want to believe him.

Very inquisitve, often one to fall but easily gets back up

Out of all of the students at Arcadia Oaks High School Veronica is the student that he talks to the most. He finds her kind of nosy and strange, especially this one bizzare moment with Veronica where she kept mentioning stuff about trolls and the end of the world. But he also deeply appreciates Veronica's help when trying to be around Ukiel.

bizzare and overly invested... Shinichi is honestly at a loss for words

Shinichi seems to encounter Lucas quite a bit, and to be honest many of the encounters aren't exactly pleasant. He's quite a troublemaker and makes up very strange fantasies.