


6 years, 9 months ago


Aether | She/Her

An Angstromi witch and a face of the rebellion.  Grew up in witch jail, knows first hand that it sucks and is bullshit.  Tried for years to make it a better place from the inside but it turns out ppl from systemically disenfranchised groups are not taken seriously or respected when they try to use the 'appropriate' channels, so, her & a bunch of similarly pissed off buds got together, pooled their resources,  hijack a press conference, & burn down a government building before escaping into the wilderness & starting a proper rebellion.

Prefers subtle manipulation over brute force, much of her work involves blackmail and stealing faces to sow confusion among the enemy.  But sometimes you have to do arson.


Salt - BF

Neos - Ally/subordinate??? idk the ranks are not concrete in the rebellion

Ezra - Another face of the rebellion whom Aether is really just keeping around because their territory is an untouchable safe haven for the rebellion to base themselves out of.  She does not know how she's gonna handle them when/if the imprisonment of witches stops.  She's not against violence but establishing a monarchy around Ezra doesn't sound like a good replacement style of government.

Powers & Assets

Shapeshifting Witch - Can transform the shape of her body however the fuck she wants, provided she has the mass for it.  Can also transform other peoples' bodies but that is much trickier/doesn't come to her as instinctively.


- Trans!!! As soon as she hit puberty she was just like hmmmmmm no thanks actually  *magics herself some tiddys & a vaj*