


2 years, 11 months ago





Age 15

Height 5'1

Gender Female

Tribe Clavat

Job Merchant

Hometown Tipa

Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait
Nadia is following her father’s path to be a richy merchant. She left her hometown with Maíz to hunt rare materials and for her wishful joy of recollecting any kind of swords.

She's a very diligent person to achieve what she's looking for. Nadia is a shy girl and she is still learning about her father's business on the way. She has a bright and powerful memory, yet she tries hard to hide her weakness. That’s why she portrays herself as a strong leader. Nadia goes around lonely most of the time.

Wears a traditional clavat dark coat divided by a gold belt. If you look closely Nadia’s hair is stuck in knots, and doesn't wear any hairpins. She has a big bag on her back and often carries a sword beautifully maintained. Her physical strength is less than ideal.







Indeed, she remembers well.
Ability or Spell Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus egestas erat ut ligula bibendum, rutrum consequat nisi aliquam. Phasellus dolor sem, aliquam in neque sit amet, sagittis tempor ligula. Morbi at eros ullamcorper, pretium neque eget, tempor mauris. Duis at mauris condimentum, blandit mauris quis, semper quam.
Ability or Spell Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus egestas erat ut ligula bibendum, rutrum consequat nisi aliquam. Phasellus dolor sem, aliquam in neque sit amet, sagittis tempor ligula. Morbi at eros ullamcorper, pretium neque eget, tempor mauris. Duis at mauris condimentum, blandit mauris quis, semper quam.



Swords #1

A Small Item Description. Magicite, Weapon, whatever it is! Use Magicite or Magic, or Special Weapons for others!



A Small Item Description. Magicite, Weapon, whatever it is! Use Magicite or Magic, or Special Weapons for others!



A Small Item Description. Magicite, Weapon, whatever it is! Use Magicite or Magic, or Special Weapons for others!




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus egestas erat ut ligula bibendum, rutrum consequat nisi aliquam. Phasellus dolor sem, aliquam in neque sit amet, sagittis tempor ligula. Morbi at eros ullamcorper, pretium neque eget, tempor mauris. Duis at mauris condimentum, blandit mauris quis, semper quam. Nulla et ante non augue euismod tempus. Sed varius auctor mauris non varius. Sed tempus erat vel nibh egestas dignissim. Mauris posuere efficitur dolor, id dapibus nisi dictum id. Vestibulum et sem sollicitudin, vehicula massa sit amet, congue purus. Maecenas accumsan massa magna, eu fringilla justo ornare eu. Integer mattis placerat ipsum in lobortis. Pellentesque venenatis urna vel condimentum gravida. Mauris tempor, sem at vestibulum sollicitudin, erat risus fringilla tortor, sit amet tincidunt risus ipsum ut quam. Duis at condimentum magna. Praesent orci sapien, facilisis id cursus non, ultricies et dolor.


Present Day

Etiam volutpat sollicitudin ligula vel placerat. Nam semper condimentum mauris vitae tristique. Vivamus tincidunt leo a tellus tincidunt elementum. Integer ultrices dignissim diam quis mattis. Nullam at lorem non erat rutrum venenatis id nec urna. Suspendisse finibus congue mauris, vitae volutpat diam aliquet vitae. Aliquam vel mi eu turpis maximus ornare. Pellentesque nec placerat lorem. Donec aliquam porta ligula, ut gravida massa laoreet et. Curabitur sed fermentum enim. Vivamus eleifend tincidunt lacus a imperdiet. Cras tempus consequat arcu id ornare. Cras et fermentum tellus, sit amet condimentum tellus.



Sed tempus pellentesque eros, eget pharetra nisi dictum a. Donec eu massa eget nulla iaculis gravida nec eget lectus. Duis semper, orci vel sagittis tincidunt, lectus urna mollis odio, nec aliquet massa leo sed diam. Phasellus at consequat tellus. Quisque nec ligula a lorem tempus mattis. Aenean at velit non eros aliquet interdum. Cras eu eleifend nulla. Quisque ornare venenatis cursus. Donec id dui nec magna tincidunt dapibus id sit amet mi. Cras in ex vitae enim efficitur finibus. In metus ex, iaculis in pulvinar a, aliquet et massa. Phasellus egestas dignissim neque at ornare.



Sed tempus pellentesque eros, eget pharetra nisi dictum a. Donec eu massa eget nulla iaculis gravida nec eget lectus. Duis semper, orci vel sagittis tincidunt, lectus urna mollis odio, nec aliquet massa leo sed diam. Phasellus at consequat tellus. Quisque nec ligula a lorem tempus mattis. Aenean at velit non eros aliquet interdum. Cras eu eleifend nulla. Quisque ornare venenatis cursus. Donec id dui nec magna tincidunt dapibus id sit amet mi. Cras in ex vitae enim efficitur finibus. In metus ex, iaculis in pulvinar a, aliquet et massa. Phasellus egestas dignissim neque at ornare. In accumsan nisi ut ligula pellentesque pulvinar sit amet vel libero. Sed tempus pellentesque eros, eget pharetra nisi dictum a.




Mami is Nadia's older half sister. She lives with a blacksmith family in Tipa. They said she is a very kind and patient person. They also said she doesn't break a sweat when casting powerful spells. She is very similar to her younger stepsister, yet her height is slightly higher. Nadia gets pissed off when someone mentions her and she's honestly jealous of her magic abilities.


At a very young age, Nadia and her father moved with Maíz family. Since then, they have been friends. Nadia is not very close to the rest of Maíz's family and she has developed a dependence on him. He always tries to refresh Nadia's mind with games and jokes. They together traveled towards Alfitaria and after a couple of weeks, Maíz left her there to follow his dreams of becoming a caravan. Nadia hasn't forgiven him.


Nadia is the soft spoken of Kaeko's energic attitude. They met in Alfitaria's marketplace and became partners very quick. While Kaeko produces invents and more, Nadia sells them. Sometimes they disagree, but both try to resolve their problems in a professional way. After months of working together, Nadia moved to her home and Kaeko has become a mother figure for her.


Eris is the lastest newcomer of Kaeko's home. Nadia had some problems trusting her when she noticed her behaviour seemed to be unusual. Later Nadia understood that Eris had some problems with her family and befriended her. Until then Nadia has been curious of knowing yukes better. Eris sees Nadia as a big sister and the last hates it because it reminds her of her half sister.

"I'll NEVER forget you!!!"