


2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Jay-Jay Alan


Unit 0-2, JJE




5' 11"


Female (she/her)


Asexual [Demiromantic]






Jay-Jay Alan

↪ AGE: 20
↪ HEIGHT: 5' 11"


One of Supernova's secondary antagonists.

A primary defense unit, Jay-Jay is a first responder to any outstanding threats or serious criminal activity.

Though she was born with the ability to fly, she was also born blind. She lived with her blindness through childhood, a set of AI guiding her through life. By the time the opportunity came for her to get a new set of eyes, she refused, her stubbornness preventing her from accepting any help. She is the younger sibling of Xane and has always been in his shadow. Growing up always trying to prove herself, she developed an inferiority complex and an inability to rely on anyone but her trio of implanted AI: Neil, Nolan, and Renee*. She could do everything herself. Thus, Jay-Jay refused to replace her eyes. She wasn't that "weak".

Jay-Jay proved her competence with sheer willpower, forcing her way through every difficult situation despite how many injuries she sustained. She climbed up the Unit ranks at a pace almost unheard of, but even after all her hard work, she could still only be Unit 0-2. Of course, Xane is Unit 0-1. That's just how things are with them, and Jay-Jay has developed an unbridled hatred and resentment towards her brother; it pisses her off to no end that she often has to answer to him.

However, after her and Xane's parents die, she starts unknowingly seeking Xane's approval... Even though he doesn't remember who she is. Jay-Jay can't seem to pull the trigger when given the chance.

*Regarding Neil, Nolan, and Renee—

These AI have grown up with Jay-Jay, each developing their own personalities. They've transferred through many forms, eventually becoming her guns. They are directly connected to Jay-Jay's mind through an implanted network, often speaking to her and bantering with each other. Neil and Nolan (JJ's pistols) are gremlins, but Renee (basically an AK-47, let's be real) is chill.

They give her directions which she answers to with extremely honed reflexes and instinct. Down to the decimal degree, Jay-Jay has grown to be incredibly precise with her movements.


Jay-Jay is reserved and snappish. She has little patience for small talk... or any kind of interaction, really. Always feeling like she's being judged, she's quite paranoid and conscious of others' opinions of her. She often lashes out and pushes others away before they can hurt her; she's quite emotionally sensitive, and she'd rather have their inevitable negative views of her be of her own purposeful doing.

It's very hard to earn her trust. In most cases, she barely tolerates people. Jay-Jay needs almost constant validation, because even if she's stubborn, decisive, considerate, and does what she deems the best course of action, there's always lingering doubt that prevents her from having any modicum of confidence. The indifference she shows on the surface is a façade, and beneath that is a loneliness that prevents her from complete emotional isolation. She cares for people, but only from afar.

Her incessant endeavour for approval makes her rash, and combined with her inferiority complex, sometimes it's as if she has no sense of self-preservation. She always puts others' well-being over her own and throws herself into danger without hesitation. It's a wonder how she's still alive.

Despite all this, Jay-Jay doesn't like hearing people say "thank you"; it makes her emotional.

But even if she might try to flee before you can, you should thank her anyway. She really needs to hear it.


Xane- Jay-Jay's older brother. She can't stand sharing space with him for more than two minutes, but deep down, she wants a relationship with him.

Phantasm - Through much trial and error, they become friends. Jay-Jay almost feels like an older sibling to them...

Songs to get her vibe:

Mindme - Addiction
Raon Lee - KING
technoplanet - Legacy
(Vs. Xane): SWARM - Vengeance