
3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Io
Age: 17
Pronouns: they/them
Species: human

The youngest and most ambitious of the group, Io is always willing to learn, even if theyre a little nervous at first. They were initially very shy and unsure of their own skills but with Anya and her teammates encouragement, they have grown into quite the bold and self assured individual but they aren’t above criticism and learning new things. Io believes firmly in their goal and wants to keep the things they care about safe! While outside of their duties, Io has trouble maintaining their confidence at times but is making strides towards it. They are a bit of a loner and don’t make friends easily, something they hope to change. Very passionate but sometimes needs another person to help temper that passion into something tangible, lest they become aimless and lost. They focus on containment of the creatures.


Anya- Has a very positive student-mentor relationship with Anya and admires her greatly, thinks shes wise even if she acts silly and like a slacker. Is grateful to her for helping them gain some confidence and her patience in guiding them through life lessons, as their own home is less supportive. Secretly considers Anya their role model.

Pia- Considers her a big sister and gets along with her well, though Io sometimes worries about how little she takes seriously. Appreciates Pia and the effort she goes through for their team even if she is relaxed about it and knows they couldn’t do it without her. Seeks her council whenever theyre troubled.

My- Wishes My wasn’t so over-protective of them! Knows she means well but feels like My doesn’t think Io can handle themself when they have proved they totally can. Otherwise the two get along more casually than Io does with the rest of the team, often teasing one another and being playful.  

Marrow- Io’s best little buddy, they get along shockingly well to the point where Anya told Io to take Marrow home with them most days as Marrow misses them when separated. Io thinks theyre so cute and likes to dress them up or take them new places (covertly, of course!).

Lottie- Really hoping to recruit them! Io wants to change their mind about humanity being worthless and uninteresting and convince them that Anya is someone you can believe in. The two talk a lot about viewpoints and Io secretly also wants to be their friend, using the recruitment as an excuse to talk.

Anatola- Trying to win her over and feels like theyre making good progress, super happy that shes receptive to their point of view! Wants her to be able to find her own self confidence like they did and sort of wants to be a role model for someone else and help her like they were helped.