


5 years, 11 days ago


Name: Original name lost to time, goes by Thyme
Age: 25 at time of cursing
Pronouns: she/her
Species: formerly human
Height: 6'2'

A woman of elegance and poise, Thyme is effortless in appearing like a proper well mannered lady. Not like that matters much anymore, in her strange little town thats been lost to time. Everyone including herself within stripped of humanity and mortal privileges, she no longer prides herself in such superficial behaviors and pointless social gatherings and mostly keeps to herself these days. Bored of a perpetual existence but without the means to find closure in it, she continues on with the company of two others in an attempt to retain some composure. She finds herself feeling hollow and listless more often than not, and mostly stays in her home. She has a distaste for pointless things, and cant keep herself occupied doing things that no longer matter. Shes not overly negative though, and encourages those around her to do what they feel is the best for them. Shes one of the few members of the town left who actively are searching for a way to allow their existences to continue flowing with the rest of the world, but has gotten little in the way of answers. She hopes one day everyone can finally rest and escape the bubble theyre in. Until then, she intends to try to understand as much as she can about the collective curse. 

-shes easily flustered over silly things, but stays cool and collected in situations others would be worked up
-shes insecure about her visible organs
-equally insecure about her right eye, which has been replaced with clock parts
-shes cold to the touch
-if completely silent, a soft ticking can be heard from her abdominal cavity
-loves women
-was already dead when cursed, and is one of the only people who wasnt aware of the sudden change  
-her sternum contains a lock, but shes never seen a key that would fit in it, and anything else placed into it shatters
-soft voice
-the flowers in her outfit were gifts from Coath