
3 years, 30 days ago


Name: My
Age: 18
Pronouns: she/her
Species: human

Possibly the most strict member of the group, she and Io can be an unstoppable force if left to their own devices even if they tend to bicker. My takes all of her decisions very seriously. While Pia is the most reliable member, My is the most responsible. If something needs to be done she will often volunteer for it but she knows when something isn’t her strongpoint and doesn’t have qualms about passing up opportunity to someone she knows can get a better result. She is protective of her friends and suspicious of strangers, My tends to assume before she asks. She respects Anya but has a hard time following her advice. She takes on most of the work subduing the creatures.


Anya- Holds Anya in high regard, even if she doesn’t always apply what shes taught she genuinely takes it to heart. She was initially the most untrusting of Anya but over time has been convinced that she has their best interest at heart, as well as doing an important service of keeping people safe. Feels at ease with the fact Anya doesn’t crave fame or fortune but simply wants to help others.

Pia- The two are like oil and water but somehow get along incredibly well. My would never admit it but she really appreciates Pia taking the time to check up on her and get her to do things besides work. My plays hard to get at times but really does want to have fun, she just…. Doesn’t know how. She does try to balance out Pia’s relaxed perspective of their duties though.

Io- Really really worries about Io, theyre so trusting and eager and see the best in people and that scares My. She understands Io has proved their competence, but competence doesn’t mean good decision making or judgment! Plus, Anya pushes Io to branch out but what happens if they get into something over their head? Someone has to be an anchor.

Marrow- Weird! But cute? My interacts with Marrow the least.

Lottie- Weird and scary.

Anatola- Seems too soft for this, but appreciates the interest, doesn’t have high hopes for her though.