Lorant (AU!Lorants)



4 years, 11 months ago


Godkiller AU

aka first concept lorant from back in my edgelord phase

Some modern-era kid who's weird & obsessed with death, and also magic, in a world much like reality where magic is not substantial enough to be proven.  Except that Lorant wants to prove it for sure.  So he does the logical thing and kills himself with the intention of coming back as a ghost, or something.  Leaves a note telling people to watch out for him.

Is ecstatic to still exist after the fact, HALFWAY THERE BABEEEEYYY.  Doesn't take long to encounter Maverick, who fully intends to eat him as part of his quest for godslaying.  Anyways Lorant survives that by convincing Mav to take him on as an apprentice/backup on the journey, and becomes a cannibal himself.

Does eventually return to the world of the living!  Takes like 30 years of consolidating power & fighting off angels/reapers/whatever the agents of god call themselves but it happens!  Prolly would have taken much much longer if Lorant wasn't insistent on streamlining the process, so that it would actually happen within the lifetime of the people he told to wait for him.  Unfortunately it's not as groundbreaking a revelation, that ghosts are real, seeing as he and Maverick have combined absorbed enough of the world to cause it to destabilize a bit.  Shit's REAL WEIRD.  Doesn't stop them from continuing tho.  Just makes things a bit awkward at the reunion w/ his friend(singular) and family.

Confrontation w/ god happens, and while Lorant was unswayed by personal ties, unfortunately Maverick ultimately got too attached to Lorant to kill him at endgame.  And unless they wanted to indefinitely exist in a void where nothing exists except for the two of them, one of them would have to die.  Lorant was slightly more on board w/ killing Mav but in the end they both just get banished from the universe.

He now wanders the multiverse with Maverick, which is also super cool to observe/play in/unleash chaos upon.  They check out alternate versions of themselves a lot, and while they mostly stuck together at first they've started splitting up to do their own things more often.  Time means little to the extraplanar beings they have become, but by their human perception it's been a long long while and you get bored of hanging out w/ the same person constantly even if they are your favorite person.



The one who taught him the secrets of ghost cannibalism and tbh just a fun dude.  Well, maybe fun is the wrong word, he's very dire, but he's a magnet for chaos and Lorant is here for it.


  • In the company of other Lorants, usually called Ghost
  • Honestly outside of the circumstances they live in, very similar to basic Lorant

Angstromi AU

Lorant born in Angstrom, still obsessed with magic and death, but given the quasi-illegal nature of magic in Angstrom he's far more into the former than the latter.  An agent of the rebellion because rebellion is his fucking fetish or whatever.  Uses his l33t h4ck3r skills to help out in exchange for magic batteries so he can cast as a non-witch.



His partner, does whatever field work Lorant might need done to make his technical bullshit work, also a bodyguard, also also his main battery charger.


Politically significant, they think he's away at college and send him a sizeable allowance that he does not shy away from using to fuel the rebellion they are actively trying to quell.


  • In the company of other Lorants, ususally called Nerd
  • Aesthetically not as fancy/slightly steampunkier than basic lorant.  Personality-wise he's not as materialistic

Dragon Age AU

Non-inquisitor, Trevelyan Mage.  Was part of the rebellion for a while after the circles fell, but it wasn't nearly as glamorous as he expected so he left in favor of Val Royeaux since he thought it'd be cool to explore his Orlesian heritage a bit anyways.  Through a combination of cunning and luck and preying on the pity of those sympathetic to the mage plight, he lands a job in a high-end brothel and tbh is loving it and also getting into The Game.

Eventually he encounters the inquisitor, who also happens to be the mage who taught him blood magic.  And who also took the fall for him when he got reckless w/ that and was made tranquil, whoops.  Anyways he's not tranquil anymore and it was nice to catch up and he now gets to milk this connection for all it's worth.

Runs out of luck eventually and gets kidnapped purely to be a hostage to get something out of Maverick.  FUN TIMES FOR ALL, then he gets forcefully relocated to skyhold for his own safety and is too cowed to actually fight it and there's no reason he can't do his gaming from a safer location.  I mean Vivienne does it, right?  She's much more experienced and successful than him but he doesn't let that dampen his optimism.



The inquisitor, his old teacher.  Kinda wishes he would stop trying to mother hen him/guilt him about his life choices but whatever they're friends.


  • Under normal circumstances would enjoy embarrassing Maverick more, but the martyrdom has him feeling...bad about antagonizing his friend?  Guilt?  Is this what guilt feels like?  Gross.

Pokemon AU




  • Would be a ghost/fairy type if he was a pokemon