Ra (Awakened Form)



2 years, 3 months ago


Ra's awakened form! 

When Ra awakens his true power for the first time, he changes into this form when fighting.

In this form, he is now considerably more powerful, and has a higher affinity with magic and Light.

His wings are now fully functional, and he can fly alone without time limits.

He can carry up to one person for relatively short distances.

He still is unable to carry more than one person at a time safely, even across short distances... Maybe if he powered up again, he could...?

He now has his own staff! He uses it for all sorts of things, but mainly to amplify his Light. He can also use it as a weapon (once he is more skilled, that is...)

He may actually have a few different forms to go after this --- after all, this is an awakened form, but it's just the start of Ra recognizing his true potential!

...But this form is still pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself! happy character designer noises