


2 years, 11 months ago


Name Itori
Species Winged mix
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Height 5'11"
Build Firm, lean
S/O Pansexual
Occupation Messenger

Itori paved his way from a prestigious line of breeding into a... Tenuous job as a messenger boy. 
Though it sounds ridiculous to many that know of his upbringing, he is incredibly against the silver spoon he was raised on. Of course, even with this blustery independence, Itori has comfort and safety that others can't even ask for-- and he does use it as a crutch very often (wordlessly, and he hopes, secretly)... Otherwise he is quite enterprising and is often thinking up how he can be successful and make a name in his own right. Money matters little to him and he does not live with his family; he is very much for 'surviving' on his own... Or at least staying safe and comfortable. 
He may not have the entire 'living on your own' thing down pat, but he's trying to wrap his head around it. And as he has been living in a less dignified and more down to earth way, he has come to learn of many life lessons that have aided him and continue to do so!
Itori is not the most sharpest tool from fine stock, but at least he is the most humble, trying to avoid begging and pleading to his family, and not talking down to others that do not understand many of the 'fine' things he knows (but cannot utilize these days). 
Though it sometimes slips out that he is baffled over some of the societal differences between his new friends and his overly rich, hauntingly memorable childhood and adolescence, overall he is a sweet man who enjoys the experiences his new start on life has given him, and never hesitates to show his pure enthusiasm for what he can make for himself now.

- His genetic makeup is monkey and parrot!
- As such, he does have a delightful singing voice and is good at mimicry, though he tries to keep it under wraps.
- His work is in a colder clime than the city his parcels originate from, and he is far too used to being warm-- even in his layers of clothes, he often grows chilly...
- He was quite soft in body before he took up this job (and began to really enjoy it)!