Mr. Cop-Out



3 years, 16 days ago


  • Mr. Cop-Out 

  • cop_out_fullbody_20230804202413.png
  • age 28
  • gender Male
  • race Biracial
  • STATUSAlive
  • theme

"Please, policeman, no heel-to-toe!"

Mr. Cop-Out is a notorious criminal wrecking havoc in the city of New York. He's agile (to an extent, he’s a big guy), strong, and flirtatious too. He always has a grin on his face, although there are most likely daggers behind that smile of his when you see it. He enjoys throwing (illegal) jazzy shows for fun, and probably an opportunity to get his friends to steal your wallet if you came to see what the ruckus was.

 "Good luck finding critters creepy as me!" 

height 6'2"/187 cm

build Slight endomorph/apple

pronouns He/Him

s.o. Bicurious/Questioning

dob March 3rd

sign Pisces

DemEANOR Usually confident/snooty

Weapon Revolver/switchknife

Key-item Saxophone

Fav. Food Applesauce


  • Any apple-related food
  • Music, especially jazz
  • Practicing (loudly) on his alto saxophone 
  • Sleeping/being lazy
  • Annoying the other patients 
  • Money
  • Attractive women
  • Being around the doctor


  • Law enforcement 
  • Not having a good comeback (to arguments/insults
  • When people aren't entertained by/interested in him
  • Losing (bets, fights, etc.)
  • Blackjack

"Tryin’ to escape this probation generation!"

Mr. Cop-Out is quite the individual. A man who only finds fun in ruining the days of others. Along with your average adult "fun" like drinking, gambling, and partying secretly away from law enforcement. 

But why law enforcement? Well, Mr. Cop-Out is actually a wanted criminal. The cops HATE him, and he hates them back. His confident and self absorbed demeanor motivate him to continue commit crimes, one after the other. 

He is currently some sort of "leader" in his group of castaway individuals. Although it isn't as organized as other crime rings, more of just a little place to come back to hang out and see what you got. He loves his life and never planned to change it anytime soon. Though he was technically homeless, with his only option of a secret, but smelly room underground the abandoned apartment complex his group settled in.

"Pigs come, I cop n’ go!"

One day, Mr. Cop-Out had heard that some activity has been happening in a particular street. That many robberys had been attempted at a local bank. Upon hearing this, Mr. Cop-Out decided that he just had to use this opportunity to show the others how to "properly" rob a bank. 

The day he left for the street, one of his friends had warned him that the law enforcement was most likely going to be a bit harder to get away from than other streets because of the bad activity that usually happens. Of course, Mr. Cop-Out confidently assured him that he can get away from anything and that he will he fine.

At the bank, Mr. Cop-Out opened the door using a grenade,  threatened the employees to open the safe, and threw one of his casual "crime shows." What he didn't know was that the cops came earlier than he expected, which threw him off. He scrambled to escape, to which he did! But while making his getaway he was deliberately shot in his left bicep by a policeman. So he was simultaneously copping n' going, while trying to stop his own blood from trailing. There was no hope for him now, at least until...wait, what is that?!

"You bare a striking resemblance!"

Could it be? Mr. Cop-Out had caught a glimpse of a strange, tall, and seemingly abandoned building towards the end of Front Street. Of course, while the cops were behind, they were far. This was his chance to hideout and get away for good for this night. Entering the building by breaking a window, he had found himself inside of...what seemed to be a hospital room. Great! He could patch himself up. Wait...are those footsteps? It seems that he wasn't alone, and he wasn't! Soon the doctor would discover him in his own hospital, and right then, Mr. Cop-Out was now a soon-to-be patient. And a rival of Mr. Capgras. I mean it isn't too bad, at least his wound would be patched up! 

The doctor did look a bit familiar to him, though.


•Mr. Cop-Out is also a musician, in his former life, he was a college student studying music theory, and originally planned to be a band director and performer. 

•His black and white ringed eyes are his contacts, he almost always keeps them on.

•His real name is Alexander Dalton. Although he doesn't mind this name, he doesn't use it often. As it is boring to him and it can risk his identity being leaked to the local law enforcement. 

•He has two black and white tattoos located on his two biceps. 

•His dad is a rich musician and helps lend Cop-Out some of his money to survive.

•He owns a stolen rental alto saxophone painted with black and white stripes to match his similar styled outfit. He named this saxophone "Selene."

•There is a running gag that Mr. Cop-Out specifically loves apples and apple related food.

•Despite being a criminal who is also a scumbag, it is known in this universe that Mr. Cop-Out is the most mentally healthy compared to his other peers residing in the hospital. 

•Every morning, Mr. Cop-Out is usually the last to arrive at the table for breakfast. When he does, it's usually loud. Very loud. Gotta throw a show somehow! 

•Upon meeting someone,  Mr. Cop-Out sometimes likes to point out a person's looks/insecurities for fun and just to be mean. 

•Mr. Cop-Out has heterochromia, with a brown eye his right and a blue one on the left. (could undergo a change)

•Surprisingly, he is very intelligent. 

•He is a very good cuddler

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