🧸 ⁞ Daisuke ˚✧‧₊



3 years, 21 days ago




The Lone Wanderer | Energy weapons | He/him | The Hermit

Name Daisuke Tesla

Age 19 (start)
21 (end)

Birthdate 13/07/2258

Gender Cis Male

Orientation Pansexual

Race Human / FEV mutant / Cyborg

Nationality Vault 101, Washington DC

Zodiac Cancer

Karma Good / Neutral

Height 1,80m

Status Single

Role Scientist / Mercenary / Brotherhood knight

Location Megaton, Washington, D.C.
  • Teddy bears
  • Science
  • Children
  • Hot weather
  • Being Proven Wrong
  • Gossip

Daisuke is an intellectual, a strategist, master of many branches of science.

Daisuke is an introvert, but he's not shy. He won't start conversations unless he wants to or needs to, but when he does, he doesn't struggle to speak. He doesn't like physical displays of affection unless he's close to the person.

He's kind and very good at listening. He's generous and likes to help his loved ones. Daisuke can be very persistent despite any obstacles and won't give up easily, he's analytical and hardworking, he will always find his way out of trouble.

He's likes to be with children, especially the ones from little lamplight. Daisuke doesn't like when children are too loud, but he learned to be patient. Babies are a big no though, he just doesn't know how to deal with them.

High expectations are routine for him, he will always expect the best from himself. He believes that with intelligence, he can achieve all his goals. He sometimes assumes that most people are lazy and unimaginative and that's why they don't succeed.

Daisuke sometimes shows a lack of regard for other people, especially the ones he doesn't like. He will experiment on raiders, heedless of the suffering he causes. Daisuke considers the importance of the research to outweigh morals and ethics. Nobody tries to stop him, because almost no one knows what happens on his lab.

Once involved in a project, Daisuke will ignore all distractions, like eating, sleeping or the subject crying. He's a mad scientist, but he's not aware of the mad part.


  • Aside from regular raiders, Daisuke once kidnapped a Gary from Vault 108 in order to experiment on him.
  • He has a large collection of DNA samples, including from his father.
  • He can talk a little of many languages.
Baby Steps

Daisuke was born at the Jefferson Memorial, son of James and Catherine, where they worked on Project Purity. Catherine died shortly after giving birth, so James suspended the project and traveled to Vault 101, where Daisuke grew up.

The life in the vault was comfortable, but a bit boring, he was friend with Amata, the daughter of the overseer. Butch would constantly bully Daisuke and Amata, so they were frequently fighting.

On his 10th birthday, Daisuke had a birthday party where he was gifted his Pip-Boy 3000. When he was sixteen, he took the G.O.A.T. and the result was Pip-Boy programmer. At this point, Daisuke and Butch were already getting along. Butch learned to respect Daisuke after getting punched in the face.


Daisuke lived in Vault 101 for 19 years until the day his father disappeared, so Daisuke had to go look for him in the ruins of Washington, as staying in the Vault wasn't safe anymore and the overseer wanted him dead.

He traveled across the wasteland looking for James. Along the way, he helped a lot of people, disarmed Megaton's bomb where he got his own house and helped Moira with her wasteland survival guide. He also met Charon and bought his contract, he became Daisuke's personal bodyguard and they became very close in a short time.


The Brotherhood Outcasts have found an armory underground. Daisuke helped them open it by using his Pip-Boy to enter a military simulation that the liberation of Anchorage, where he joined the U.S. Army in their battle against the Chinese forces in Alaska.

Tranquility Lane

After months, Daisuke finally found James in Vault 112. Daisuke helped his dad with project purity and they were happy for a while.


Getting close to an alien crash site, Daisuke was abducted into Mothership Zeta. He encountered various other abductees from the Capital Wasteland and Earth's past. Daisuke had to fight against the Aliens with the help of the other prisoners to escape the ship.

There he freed Bruce, an intelligent deathclaw, from stasis. They developed a good relationship once they were free and Bruce even helped with project purity.


The Enclave commander, Autumn, came wanting to steal the project. James sacrificed himself by filling the control chamber with radiation, hoping to kill Colonel Autumn, but he survived and the Enclave took control of the project. Daisuke escorted the other scientists to the Citadel.


At the Citadel, the Brotherhood of Steel helped Daisuke retrieve a G.E.C.K. from Vault 87 to use in the project purity once they got it back.

Getting to the Vault 87, he befriended Fawkes, a super mutant who helped him get the G.E.C.K. from an irradiated chamber. On his way out of the Vault, Daisuke was captured by Colonel Autumn and taken to Raven Rock. Daisuke destroyed Raven Rock in order to get out and found Fawkes at the exit.

Once back at the Citadel, Daisuke took Project Purity back with the help of the Brotherhood and Liberty Prime. There he killed Colonel Autumn and Bruce entered the radiation-flooded chamber to activate the project. Once the purifier was activated, an explosion of ambient radiation knocked down both Daisuke and Sentinel Lyons unconscious, but the wasteland was finally given clean drinking water.


After two weeks, Daisuke was awake and feeling well. He enlisted into the Brotherhood as a knight to help distribute the purified water and to hunt the Enclave remnants.


Daisuke met a man named Werhner, who has escaped the Pitt in search of someone who can help free his people and decided to help him, freeing the slaves from Ashur and helped them find a cure for a mutation in The Pitt.

DLC: Point Lookout

The lone wanderer traveled to Point Lookout looking for treasures. He met a Ghoul named Desmond who needed his help to fight off a horde of local tribals who have attacked his mansion, then Daisuke investigates why the tribals has been hostile, passing through a traumatic psychedelic hallucination and waking up with a big scar on his head and his hair shaved. Upon finding his answers, he sides with Desmond against Professor Calvert.


As soon as MacCready turned sixteen and left Little Lamplight, Daisuke adopted him and took care of him until he left to be with Lucy, but they still visited each other. Daisuke now works more as a scientist than a mercenary or knight. He takes care of Duncan for MacCready. He eventually left the brotherhood, but he's still a knight, he just doesn't work much with them anymore.


  • Strength 8 (+)
  • Perception 8
  • Endurance 8 (+)
  • Charisma 7
  • Intelligence 15
  • Agility 8
  • Luck 7
  • A3-21's Plasma Rifle
  • Captain's Sidearm (alien blaster)
  • Destabilizer (alien disintegrator)
  • Vengeance (Gatling laser)
  • The Terrible Shotgun
  • Trench Knife
  • Man Opener (auto axe)
Tag skills

Science / Energy Weapons / Medicine / Speech


After years studying FEV, Daisuke injected himself with a lighter strain of the virus, guaranteeing him +2 permanent points for each of his strength and endurance SPECIAL stats.

Game perks
  • Daddy's Boy 3/3
  • Swift Learner 3/3
  • Child at Heart 1/1
  • Comprehension 1/1
  • Educated 1/1
  • Entomologist 1/1
  • Nerd Rage! 1/1
  • Robotics Expert 1/1
  • Lawbringer 1/1
  • Tag! 1/1
  • Barkskin
  • Hematophage
  • Ant Sight
  • Survival Guru
  • Xenotech Expert
  • Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel
    • Positive / Idolized
    • Member as knight
  • The Railroad
    • Positive / Liked
    • Member as agent
  • Abolitionists / Little Lamplight / Megaton / Pitt slaves
    • Positive / Idolized
  • The Family / Reilly's Rangers / Rivet City
    • Positive / Liked
  • Enclave / Pitt raiders / Raiders / Talon Company / Slavers / Zetans
    • Negative / Vilified