


7 years, 2 months ago


||||YAIL ||||

The Blood Lord

Age: ?

Gender: male (he/him)

Species: God of Life & Cycles

Birthday: ?

Sexuality/Availability: Aromantic Pansexual/Single


Yail is pure malice incarnate. He is slightly deranged in his behavior and every action he takes is to feed his god complex and a movement towards solidifying his place as the strongest of his brothers. He is extremely delusional and will often pick off the weak or have people kill each other for his own entertainment. He is undeniably the scariest and most deranged ruler of Ahfey, and he is incredibly proud of his actions. 


 Yail was created from the blood of Alucard-- the leader of the vampires and was raised from childhood to adulthood. He is the older twin of Raeil (The God of Decay and Decomposition). He was gifted with hemomancy when he was very young and found he could manipulate people's bodies through their blood. He took control of his father through these means. He took control of Sanguisos and caused vampires to spread throughout the continent. He also pits vampire children against each other to the death to see who would become "blessed" with the powers of hemomancy. He also wants to completely take control of all life through their blood. Yail is also the only World Ruler with known children. He created Marcellus and Remington Alabaster as test vampires. He uses them as spies, as he can see through their eyes. 


Raeil [] =
The only thing that Raeil is successful at being is a weakling.
Khaeil [???] =
Who's this guy again? Oh, yeah, the absentee who's irresponsible.
Ireatic [!!!] =
Yail won't admit it, but it's very clear to see that he looks up to his older brother. He wants to be just as powerful, if not more, than him. 
Iglaci [...] =
Yail has never met Iglaci, and would be lying if he said he didn't fear what he could do. 
Marcellus Alabaster [★] =
A good puppet is all anyone could ask for. 
Remington Alabaster [-] = 
Cerys Giroux [...] =
"You're just a flower, and I can tear you apart. Don't cross me."