Jace Mazzeo



3 years, 18 days ago



NAME: Jace Mazzeo

AGE: 22

GENDER:  Male (He/him)

HEIGHT: 6 ft 2 in

OCCUPATION: Professional Athlete

BIO: As a professional athlete, one might expect Jace to be stuck up or ingenuine. However,  Jace is nothing of the sort. He's kind, caring, and generous. Although he is a bit naive as to what it's like to live outside of a world of luxury, he does genuinely wish to understand others and to make their lives better. That said, he isn't a fool - although he may be a bit clueless at times, he doesn't just trust people indiscriminately. He understands that people can be cruel and selfish, looking to use others for their own personal gain. Generally, he's loyal and will give an arm and a leg to help his friends. When needed, he's not afraid to speak out against injustice or against people who aren't the best of folks, no matter their affiliation (much to the chagrin to his managers). He's high school friends with Erika, and (one of) his personal assistant(s) is Camila.