Diogo "Balofo"



2 years, 11 months ago



A beloved friend and brother, Diogo is the dedicated lead programmer at New Leaf Studios, a gamedev company in Riverview. He is a sensible and thoughtful young man that, besides his programming and leading skills, is a rather quiet and timid worker that would much rather focus on doing his job and not so much socializing his coworkers. But in regards to his home life, Diogo can be rather bossy and very vocal about his concerns at home, especially towards the roommates Ahjay and João, demanding that everybody does their chores and keep their place tidy.

  • Introverted
  • Inteligent
  • Reliable
  • Focused
  • Zealous
  • Reading and collecting comics
  • Playing MMOrpgs
Favorite Food
  • Cheesesteak
  • Diogo often sees himself forced to participate in happy hours and office parties, knowing that spending time socializing with your subordinates is essential for maintaining a good leader’s morale - but he much rather stay quietly at home, having a nice dinner and resting his feet during the weekend.
  • Besides all the “glamor” that Ahjay's job and position brings and the many part-time jobs João takes to pay his debts, Diogo knows it’s not enough and feels compelled to help his older brother and his roomate with their finances whenever possible, becoming the main source of income in their household.
  • Being as shy and yet empathetic as he is, many of Diogo's long time friends he met on the Internet. He occasionally travels to other states to gather with them: either on game jams and cons, or to simply enjoy the summer vacations.


Diogo and Ahjay grew up together until the end of their High school years but the older brother got accepted by a big tech university outside Riverview, so they spent a couple years apart. After said studies were concluded, he returned to Riverview to support Ahjay and their family following the tough times they went through for Ahjay’s comorbidities - and now he's here to stay, by the side of his goofball little brother until the end!