

3 years, 11 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


⚠️⚠️⚠️ NOTICE!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Hello everyone! I wanted to do one final update on my dog Monroe! Thanks to me finally having a job that pays pretty well, I'll be able to afford any and all future needs for my pup. I'm still incredibly grateful for all the help you guys
us, and the $200 we made to cover the consultation fee was the biggest help we could ask for. Emergency sales are now closed and all my adopts are now sold regularly.(Though, much of the money will still be going towards the pup lets be honest.)

As for a surgery, unfortunately there isn't a finalized date of when we'd be able to get it done, but Monroe is in a stable position right now and I will have the funds ready for when that time comes.

Thank you all so much again for your support and love. I wouldn't have gotten here without it.


Greetings! It's been a while since I've been able to update people on Monroe's status. At the moment things keep having to be placed on hold until we can get enough money to go towards the surgery. At the moment she is doing amazing thanks to eye-drops that were given to us by the vet. It's still a problem, but she'll be okay until we can finalize the surgery date. The vet has spoken to us about payment plans too, which is very exciting since that means that we can cut the payment up into pieces. ($500 at a time)

I do have a new drawing pen though, as some of you might have noticed! So I'm going to get right back to the grind and make some designs to sell. I might look into doing commissions too, but I'm going to take it slow for a bit. I might look into the go.fund me idea again as well, and if I did I can share more specifics of her injury <3

Thanks again to everyone who has kept up with this. We can't express our gratitude <3 All the money we raised before had gone towards her $200 consultation and food for the baby. Thank you so much <3


Hello again everyone- I know I've been offline for a very long time at this point and I'm very sorry to all the people I left hanging while I was gone. Things irl had gotten very stressful and I didn't have the time to be active on here. Our surgery appointment has been pushed once again due to a sudden flea infestation and the inability to get the funds. (All my doing, I should have been pushing on here more) I've also lost the pen to my drawing tablet and won't be able to make new art for quite a while until I can get a new one. But good news is that I have a job now, So I can put any money I make towards the final goal.

For now, I will attempt to get in contact with everyone again and at the moment Monroe's surgery is planned for the week after Christmas. I can still sell some designs and like before all funds will be saved for the surgical goal. ($1500)

Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck around and supported me through this <3 I love you all so much.


Hello friends! I apologize for not updating yall sooner, things had gotten a bit tense for a while there. Against my wishes, my family rescheduled Monroe's vet appointment to the 13th of September. I'm hoping for the hospital to contact us sooner, but I'm getting the feeling we'll just have to wait. I'm pretty pissed, as to be expected, but this will give me a bit extra time to make a bit more money (We also asked the hospital what the estimated price will be for the consultation and we learned it will be $200.)
Thank you still to everyone who has been keeping up with the sweet girl. I will hopefully have better news soon <3

Any designs bought in the meantime will go towards the larger surgical goal and for food/treats/toys/medical supplies for the doggo



Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that we were finally able to get an appointment with the hospital! Unfortunately, they are incredibly booked so we were only able to get her seen on July 26th.
Until we can bring her, there won't be any further updates. But until then I will continue to give her the medical eyedrops from the vet and I'll inform you all if anything changes <3


Thanks to all the love and support from some amazing people, we've already managed to meet our first goal! My family and I can't thank you guys enough, seriously.
Once we can set up the appointment and get the confirmation for the surgery price, we will begin part II of the fundraiser. Expect to hear from me within the coming week!

On another note, I'm thinking of doing something nice for you guys once this is all over. Maybe a bunch of design giveaways? If people have any ideas let me know!


mon.png(Art by the amazingly talented Sneakysniper11)

Hello everyone, thank you so much for stopping by!

 I'm currently having an emergency design sale to help raise money for a surgical consultation meeting for my dog. More information found below <3 

 Current Designs for Sale: {FOUND HERE} 
I will consider offers on designs in the the rest of my TH (except for any character in Rekindled Ruins). But they are quite tentative atm <3


I've recently been informed by my veterinarian that my dog, Monroe, must see an eye surgeon about an operation needing to be done on her eyelid. He believes it's a benign tumor,
which is quite common on older dogs, but could pose a risk if left untreated. Especially near the eye. Even more so since my dog managed to claw at her eye and deeply cut/irritate the area.

Unfortunately, when my family was made aware of this update I was quickly told that we would not have the funds to spare for the surgery, or the visit. 

At this time, I don't know for certain how much the surgery will cost (Once I do I will be setting up a GoFundMe and return to sell even more designs here) but I do know that I will need at most $150 to pay for the consultation fee.
That is my first main goal, and I wanted to spread this information to the people here on TH who may be looking to buy some new designs! I will also be looking for work outside of art and may open commissions in the future.


Surgeon Consultation Price: $150

Current Funds: 

Total Needed: 
(Any leftover funds will go towards our next goal!)


Surgery Price: 

Current Funds:  $50

Total Needed:  1,450

Thank you again, any and all help is appreciated
In the meantime enjoy this happy picture of Monroe before the i n c i d e n t

Sales + Donators
A special thank you to anyone who helps us out by buying a design from me or donating to help us get towards our goal <3

@/ acManticore
@/  RedPineTree
@/ Vezreo
@/ Sneakysniper11
@/ soladatura

Total Raised: $145