So glad to hear things are okay with Monroe!! She seems like sweet pup and very pleased to hear that you managed to get the necessary funds

Thank you so much!! It's been such a relief to get to a stable enough position to financially take care of her. Such a huge weight off my shoulders <33 

Seriously couldn't have done it without all the kind individuals who purchased art from me, it was such a big help.

Hey dude, Give me a ping later on if you're unable to raise the funds in time! I'm not going to snag a character, so other people can buy them, but I'm around to help if you still need it! I don't have a ton of extra cash but I've been there with dog surgery bills and had help. Best wishes! 

Actually, I do have some designs I can donate to you to sell, if you're interested in that too. 

Ah hey there dude! Thank you so much for the kind words, and the offer of designs. <3 Pet bills can be incredibly damaging to the wallet, I'm sorry you've had to go through the same thing.

As of now, we're actually on a pretty good track to raising enough for the first milestone, which I'm very grateful for! The second goal is going to be the harder part, ofc, But I won't be able to begin
officially raising for those funds until the surgeon gives us the green light on a specific price.

But If we're having a lot of issues once that second step begins, I'd be happy to give you a ping <3 Thank you so much again man, you're far too kind

I'll be around, best of luck to you and your pup!