


7 years, 2 months ago


"i was taught many things, but feeling alive wasn't one of them"

19 | female (she/her) | hybrid


"i never knew; the blood always blended in..."

. basics .
- full name; Cynthia Alexander Eltair
- nickname; Cia

- code name; Pandora
- species; silver fox hybrid
- age; 19 (16-22)
- gender; female
- height; 5'1, 156cm
- theme song;
- romantic/sexual orientation; homo-flexible
- birthday; April 1 (Aries)

. personality .
- Cia is a very contradicting person and pretty compassionate, but also has pretty major trust issues (except Ace)
- she had the worst past, which caused her strange personality traits
- she can perform a lot of 'tricks' and is strangely obedient in the beginning
- she mistakes most emotions with something negative like laughing with crying and worry with anger
- she starts off very stiff almost puppet-like and very doubtful of kindness
- after the events of MISC, her personality finally starts into develop more playful, childish and sly
- she can foreshadow a few things in the future via her instincts and voice in her head

- she loves to speed-run and parkour when no one is watching
- she suffers from light schizophrenia and has the voice of her dead best friend talking to her in her head and rarely hallucinates

. design .
- her short hair spikes out at the bottom
- who knows what the heck is going on with her shirt but the 'sleeves' are connected to the sides of the shirt
- her 'anklet' is actually a necklace but she likes it wrapped around her ankle
- she has brand marks on the back of her hands from the company which is why she wears gloves to cover them up
- her tail is about as long as her height