


6 years, 11 months ago


"this is quite a cliché outcome"

19 | transboy (he/him) | half-demon


"HOW IS IT DOING THA- you know what, i don't care anymore"

. basics .
- full name; Dominique Stirling Rey ('Dominique' is pronounced like 'Dominic')
- nickname; Dom (goes by this over 'Dominique')

- code name; Crosshair
- species; half-demon
- age; 19 (16-22)
- gender; transboy
- height; 5'8, 173cm
- theme song;
- romantic/sexual orientation; panromantic bisexual
- birthday; January 1 (Capricorn)

. personality .
- he is the only truly nice one of the group and is an absolute sweetheart but tires out easily
- he is intelligent (well, more book smart) and actually questions logic when weird stuff happens
- has a formal posture and speech pattern but will get more colloquial the more overwhelmed he gets
- can be a bit overbearing but he doesn't realize it

- he has a long fuse, but once its reached the fallout is huge (don't anger him)
- he seems confident but he actually gets flustered and embarrassed really easily

- enjoys reading and playing video games and he's pretty good at them but he is a sore loser
- he's very fond of drawing and has multiple sketchbooks ranging from doodles to small paintings in the pages
- when things go wrong and he feels like it's his fault, he'll punish himself by taking a blade and draw jagged and intricate lines along his skin

. design .
- his eyes can switch from slit to normal
- hair is very "swoosh" and actually nearly goes up to his shoulders
- he has a feminine body and wide hips
- has cuts (most in swirls but some jagged) along his upper thighs and arms
- tail is about as long as his leg