Aurora Jones



6 years, 9 months ago


"I'm not treating you like a child, but you should recognize that you are acting like one."

Name: Aurora Kimanah Jones

Age: 29-30

Height: 4'10"

Ethnicity: African American. She's adopted, her mom is Shoshone from the West Plains reservation and her dad is of mixed european descent.

Occupation: Elementary school teacher.

Sexuality: Bi

Pronouns: she/her

Birthday: March 26

Personality: Ror is the prototypical mom friend- she is incredibly warm and encouraging, as well as caring to the point of being neurotic. She has a tendency to dote on others(in ways that might seem nosey to some) and sometimes neglects her own needs in the process. While still fairly high-strung and type A in nature, she's come a long way from where she used to be: much of Ror's childhood was spent being a highly competitive perfectionist who left little room for error. Although she still has her perfection-driven moments, therapy and her excellent support system have helped her massively in becoming a well-adjusted and relatively jovial person. She's very unashamed of her self-proclaimed geeky interests and can be quite preachy regarding her beliefs. Unfortunately, dealing with grade schoolers has led to her lecturing peers and loved ones and she can come across as being patronizing when getting her messages across. Ror has a tendency to get argumentative, but is generally polite and constructive(unless provoked).

Appearance: Ror is short with a curvaceous figure and large, expressive almond-shaped eyes. She does wear her hair naturally on occasion(cut short), but loves to wear brightly-colored bob-cut wigs(namely purple, as it is one of her favorite colors) and short vintage-styled pieces. She frequently wears 1960s inspired dresses and unfortunately does own a tumblr ass tardis dress.

Sexuality and Romance: She gets very invested emotionally and especially in her relationship with Damen, she struggled with emotional enmeshment and had difficulty with her identity. Although she's grown a lot in terms of understanding and avoiding codependency, her tendency to care-take still creeps up in her current relationship. She doesn't want to be a mother to her partner, Scott, but that doesn't mean she entirely stopped acting like one. Despite her very clean-cut appearance and motherly nature, Ror is actually deceivingly kinky: She's been an avid fanfiction writer since her teenage years and it has definitely seeped into her sex life.

Skills: Ror is a gifted writer who has occasionally freelanced for small gigs. She is also a voracious reader with an excellent memory. She is highly organized and task oriented and will not rest until she checks off her lengthy to-do lists.


  • Organized and very cleanly
  • Plans ahead for most situations/almost always prepared
  • Skilled at soothing others
  • Very personable


  • Neurotic
  • Not very good at adapting to change she hasn't anticipated
  • Patronizing
  • Loose-lipped in regards to keeping secrets