Damen Capella



6 years, 10 months ago


"I'm a simple guy: I don't need therapy, I need a light, palette cleansing drink, a cig break, and a little head every now and again."

Name: Damen Michele Capella

Age: 29-30

Height: 6'4"(but appears slightly shorter due to shitty posture)

Ethnicity: 2nd generation Sicilian, mixed european ancestry

Occupation: Employed as a history professor. He's an awful educator and procrastinates on grading(not to mention his thesis). His father essentially got him the job with the intention of it being a transitional career in hopes that he'd go back to law school, but in reality Damen has no intention of doing so.

Sexuality: Hetero slut

Pronouns: He/him

Birthday: May 20

Personality: Damen is a self-sabotaging, terribly stubborn, human personification of his own id: he's a womanizing, borderline alcoholic who is perpetually attempting to fill a void of his own creation. Despite his constant need for closeness and attention, he claims he prefers the thrill of hook-ups and one-night-stands over meaningful relationships and connections. Much of this is due to him still poorly mourning his last relationship with Aurora. Though Damen has been given ample time to move forward and better himself, he'd rather stay miserable(though he wouldn't readily admit that). He is usually tired(and sometimes hungover) and tends to have a short-tempered and cranky disposition, especially at work. Since neglecting his health and opting to sell his adderall instead of taking it, Damen has a relatively poor filter and often speaks in a crass and profane manner. Despite this, he is still able to be charismatic when he chooses(which is usually when he's trying to bone). To his small group of close friends and family, he is incredibly loyal(although he will still complain and bitch when doing things asked of him). Naturally, he is a fairly kind-natured person and can be surprisingly considerate at times towards those he cares about. That being said, that does not excuse his repugnant behavior towards everyone else.

Appearance: Damen is a tall, hairy, rail-thin man with an olive complexion and crooked features. He has a long, gaunt face and a prominently sloped nose. His grooming is so-so: his long curly, warm brown hair is rarely trimmed(let alone brushed), his teeth are yellowed with nicotine stains, and he rarely irons the wrinkles out of his shirts. He has narrow, dark eyes and hereditary dark circles like the rest of his family and thick brows that are almost perpetually furrowed.

Sexuality and romance: Damen craves female attention, touch, and validation. In his current state, he refuses to settle down and date, which is honestly to his own detriment, as he despises feeling lonely. He is actually quite fearful of abandonment which is undoubtedly why he refuses commitment(that and he very foolishly believes his ex might someday change her mind). His love languages are touch and words of affirmation.

Skills: Damen is a skilled sharp-shooter and used to compete when he was younger, which is ironic given that he is very erratic and sloppy by nature. It is a skill that he no longer receives much validation for(and he therefore rarely mentions), but he does indulge in visiting the shooting range after work somedays in order to reach some kind of therapeutic release. It isn't fair to say that he's stupid in that he is fairly knowledgeable regarding his education subject matter and previously mentioned marksman skill, but he's still what many would consider to be an idiot. He is also a surprisingly gifted cook, as it was his childhood hyperfixation.


  • Talented marksman
  • Communication and debate(when he gives a shit)
  • Quick-witted and has generally fast reflexes
  • Detail-oriented
  • Honesty(mostly because he's a poor liar)
  • Cooking


  • Hedonistic
  • Poor impulse control
  • Limited attention span
  • Poor temperament
  • Immaturity
  • Anxiety, depression, and substance dependence 
  • Hypocritical
  • No fighting skills whatsoever